31. Double-Sided

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"M-Mattius?!" I yelled in shock.

"Y-YES IT'S M-" Mattius was about to stay before Ash wrapped his hands around his throat.

"...Shut. Up. Now," Ash threatened slowly with dark eyes.

"Wait! Stop it, Ash! He can't breathe!!!" I yelled as I watched everything.

"Good. He doesn't need to," Grey said as he twisted his shadow magic until Mattius' feet turned purple.

"DIDN'T YOU TWO HEAR ME?! I SAID TO STOP IT!" I yelled as loud as I could.

Using my illusion magic, I made it so Mattius looked like he was on fire.

Immediately, Ash let go of Mattius' throat in shock as Mattius became enveloped in a fake fire that I had created.

"AAAAHHHHH! I AM ON FIRE! H-HELP ME!" Mattius screamed in panic.

"Don't worry!!! The flames aren't real! I'm using my illusion magic!" I yelled as I canceled my magic.

"Cordelia, don't help this piece of trash," Ash said with furrowed brows on his handsome face.

"Why?! He didn't even do anything wrong! He just...snuck into a girl's bedroom while she was asleep...and acted like he was going to kidnap me!" I explained unconvincingly.

"...Milady...you don't understand anything...please, don't try to argue against us," Grey growled.

"Where's Ace?! He needs to help me stop the two of you!" I yelled at the two of them.

I was about to touch the dragon's mark on my ankle before Mattius yelled to stop me.

"WAIT! P-PLEASE! DON'T SUMMON T-THAT M-MONSTER!" Mattius screamed suddenly.

"It's okay! Ace isn't going to hurt you! He'll probably help you out an-" I tried to say.

"HE WILL KILL ME! THAT THING IS A MONSTER! IT'S A BLOOD-THIRSTY BEAST!" Mattius screamed again in his panic.

"What did you say...?!" I gasped in surprise.


"I'm sorry...I don't think I heard you correctly..." I chuckled.

"DON'T SUMMON THAT BLACK-HEARTED MONSTER!" Mattius said as he tried to escape.

"...Black-hearted monster...?" I repeated.

"Y-YES! P-Please...Please don't summon him!" Mattius shouted.

Excuse me?!

Did he just call Ace a black-hearted monster?!

Ace is the most peaceful living thing I've ever met!

The only time when Ace is ever violent is when I'm hurt!!!

...But...suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped 20 degrees.

"......Are you talking about me...?" Ace said from somewhere inside my room.

Mattius' eyes grew as wide as golf balls when he heard Ace's voice and he began to struggle to escape.

"I-I n-need to g-go!" Mattius stuttered as he attempted to break free again.

Unfortunately for him, he was weak.


Mattius wasn't weak.

He was just average.

He wasn't like a male lead at all.

"Didn't I warn you about coming near Cordelia before...?" Ace said again from somewhere inside my room.

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