58. Copy Magic

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"Milady...if you don't do it properly next time, I'll need to punish you, okay?" my personal servant, Grey, said as he brushed his wet hair back and took off his top, revealing his rippling muscles from underneath.

Yes...Right now, I, Cordelia de Boren Cyllia, was in a very dangerous situation.

Very dangerous.

"Hmm...Where are you looking, milady...? Why won't you look at me?" Grey asked with a smirk.

"It's because...I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M SUPPOSED TO LOOK," I yelled and covered my face in hopes of keeping my innocent eyes safe.

How was it possible...for someone to have the body of a god???

"How am I supposed to teach you properly, milady...if you won't even look at me...?" Grey clicked his tongue.

"WELL THEN DRY OFF, MR. TEACHER, AND PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON!!" I screeched as I launched more of my water magic at him by accident.

To summarize what happened before all of this, a few days ago, Grey promised me during our first history lesson together that he would give me tips on how to use copy magic, the magic attribute that I had the most problems using.

So, today is the day we decided to carry out our 'deal.'

Obviously, since no one except for the first hero a few thousand years ago has ever been able to use copy magic, I had completely no faith in Grey in his ability to teach me how to use it.

Nonetheless, I agreed to let him help me under the condition that if he failed, he would need to do me one favor.

By the minuscule chance that he actually is able to teach me copy magic properly...I'll have to give him one favor, but the odds of that are highly unlikely so I wasn't too worried.

But...I may or may not have accidentally shot Grey with a giant water ball after attempting to copy Grey's poison magic.

"I would love to dry off...but you keep making me wet, milady," Grey sighed as he glanced down at me with a dark look in his eyes.

"Haha...That's what she sai-uh...I mean...I'm very sorry, sir..." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh...haha...it seems you have enough time to make such jokes, milady...I must not be giving you enough work to do," Grey chuckled a bit.

"...No...please no..." I whimpered as I tried to run away.

But it was too late.

Grey had already caught me with his shadow magic...

...And I had no way to escape.


...Someone save me, please...?



One Hour Later



"AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!!" I screeched as I stopped doing push-ups.

"This is all quite necessary, milady. Please trust me," Grey said in a totally trustable voice.

"I don't understand the point in any of this though. What does working out have to do with using copy-magic?! Copy-magic is magic in case you've forgotten," I replied back stubbornly.

"Based on the fact that even though you have such a vast mana pool, but are still unable to use such simple copy-magic...I have a feeling that your ability to use copy-magic is completely unrelated to your magical capabilities, milady," Grey sighed.

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