93. Pretty Please?

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Cordelia POV

The sun was already quite high in the sky when I woke up.

I groaned in frustration as I tussled my hair with my hands and recalled what had happened last night.

How dare Ace force me to sleep?!

I'm not a child, you know!!

With a disheartened sigh, I hopped up from my bed and gingerly left the room to search for something good to eat.


Food is the only thing that can make my mood better now...

For some reason, on the way to the dining room, my foot bumped into something extremely soft and plushy on the ground.

Did the maids neglect their cleaning duties or something...???

"FUUUUUUUUUU--------KKKKK!! SJDFJHSJCI!!" a voice screeched.


To my utter horror, when I looked down, I realized that I had accidentally kicked a small teddy bear across the entire corridor as if it were a football.

"S-Sin?! Is that you?!?!" I gasped as I ran after the tumbling teddy bear.

"AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!" Sin screamed as his body finally rolled to a stop.

"I-I...I AM SO SORRY!! I didn't see you at all!!" I apologized over and over again loudly to the teddy bear, who laid flat on the ground dramatically.

"D-MN IT! I was wondering what a b-tch like you has been up to lately but, APPARENTLY, I SHOULDN'T HAVE GIVEN A F-CK!!!"

"Sorry!! I'm so sorry, Sin!!" I apologized as I tried to console the small teddy bear.

Using my creation magic, I created a tiny wooden crutch for Sin to lean on.

Luckily, Sin was made up of fabric and fluff, so there wasn't a single bone in his body that should be able to break...I think.

He'll be fine...probably.

"I'll remember this, b-tch. One day I'm gonna..." Sin mumbled curses underneath his breath as he stood up shakily.

"So...um...What are you doing here, Sin...? It's been like...28 chapters since I've last seen you...!" I inquired as I picked Sin up with my hands, feeling my fingers sink into his fabric.

Sin was as impeccably soft and plushy as always.

"Sh-t...Don't f-cking remind me. I know I don't get enough d-mn screentime, okay," Sin spat as he didn't resist my attempts to cradle him in my arms.

"I'm sorry, Sin...but we were going through an excruciatingly long romance arc a few weeks ago, you see...And I'm sure you wouldn't want to be around for that."

"That's true. F-ck romance."

"Ahaha...So where have you been?" I asked, hoping for an answer.

But unfortunately, I could sense two pairs of footsteps approaching and I looked up to see two identical individuals pop their heads out from around the hall.

It was Lin and Min, the twins.

"Wow, I see how it is, Sin," Lin pouted.

"You like Cowdelia more than us now," Min frowned.

"Don't you..." the twins said at the same time.

Sin gave the twins a sharp glare before giving a small sigh.

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