Special: The Hero is a Demon (Part 2)

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Grey Alcott POV

I've been reborn again and, this time, my name is Grey.

...In this life, I am the son of a count. I've never been a noble before, so this experience was new to me.

Either way, I'm sure that I won't be able to enjoy my life. I lost the part of my heart that was able to feel emotions long ago.

You might find this hilarious, but I can't remember my first life anymore. I can't even remember the original me.

I can only remember small details of my first life. After all, I've been reincarnated so many times...

Who was my lover?

I can't remember her name anymore. Even her face is a blur in my head...

Who was my enemy?

I can't remember the man I despised anymore...All I can remember is that, in my last moments, I cursed him out.

Who was my mother?

I can only remember her soft touch on my head and the smell of the food she made...but who was she?

Who was the one I killed under the order of my enemy?

I can only remember that I told him one of my wishes and that he was smiling when I sliced his head off...

...Who was I?

No matter how hard I try, the memories of my first life are nearly gone...

...So why does every inch of my body still reject life?!

Why do I still suffer even though I can't remember why I am suffering?!

It's as if my heart still remembers pain even though my mind has long forgotten.

I punched the ground in frustration. I don't understand. Why...?

Why can't I remember?!



Almost 4 Years Later



While I was laying down on my bed, I looked at the ceiling...and realized that I was still alive.

"Please get ready, sir! Today is your fourth-birthday debut," one of my maids told me when I sat up from my bed.

...I'm four years old?

Life is dreadfully slow.

"Prepare breakfast and ask for a servant to dress me in a suit," I answered monotonously as usual.

"Of course~," the maid said as she bowed and skipped away.

...How boring.

Everyone around me is always happy while they work.

Why are they happy...?

Why are they happy when I have to suffer?!

I sighed and growled.



When the preparations for my debut were done, I was escorted to the castle where my debut would be.

The moment I could see the castle, I froze.

For some reason, I hated the castle.

Then when I saw the statue of the first hero on the very top of the castle, I felt like puking.

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