Chapter 5

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Astrid's POV

It has been 2 months and we have the song we are going to sing as the Big 8. After a month of us girls being with the boys from All 4 one. We all are dating one of them expect Elsa. I'm dating Hiccup, Punzie is dating Flynn, and Anna is dating Kristoff. Elsa says she doesn't love Jack and that they would only stay friends, but we all doubt that. The boys also tell us the same thing about Jack. He doesn't love Elsa and they will only stay friends and nothing else, but we all could see the way they look at each other and how they let themselves be free when they are around each other. 

I then heard someone knock at my door. Its already 12 in the morning, so we should all be awake. "Come in," I say. "Hey Astrid are you ready for the reception tonight," Punzie says. "Yes and no," I say. "Why no," Punzie asks. "I'm not wearing that damn dress," I say pointing to the dress hanging from my closet. "Oh Astrid don't make me call Hiccup and make him force you to wear the dress," Punzie says. "Ugh fine I will wear the dress," I say. "Good," Punzie says. "So what else did you want," I ask. "We have to find a way to get Elsa and Jack together," she says. 

Then Anna came running into my room with milk dripping down her chin. "Anna you have milk dripping down your chin," Punzie says in disgust. I just laugh and take a picture. "I am so sending this to Kristoff," I say. "Oops," Anna says and wipes her chin with her selves. "Okay you guys were talking about Jelsa," Anna says. "Whos Jelsa," I ask. "Astrid thats Elsa and Jack ship name," Punzie says. "Oh," I say. We all made ship names for each other. The ship for Jack and Elsa is a secret. The only people who know this is our boyfriends. My ship name is Hiccstrid, Punzie's ship name is Eugunzel, and Anna's ship name is Kristanna. 

"How can we make them take down there walls," Anna says and throws herself on my bed. "Who knows," I say. "Oh I know how," Punzie says. "What," Anna asks. "We leave them to be by themselves the entire night and let destiny be in charge," Punzie says. "Hmm not bad," I say. "Okay then thats what we should do," Anna says. We then hear a doorbell ring. "I will get it," Elsa shouts. We then hear a lot of talking downstairs. "Who do you think that is," I ask. "Who knows," Punzie says. "Girls get your asses down here," Elsa yells. 

We get out of my room and head downstairs. I then see the boys there. "Hey guys," I say. I then hug Hiccup. "Hey Kristoff. What are you doing here," Anna asks. "Can't I see my beautiful girlfriend," Kristoff says and did that get Anna to blush. "Still can't believe my sister found love," Elsa says. "You know you could find love too," Anna says. "Don't start this," Elsa says. "What I'm just saying," Anna asks. Elsa just rolls her eyes. "Someone's angry today," Jack says. "Don't push me Frost," Elsa says. "To late I already did," Jack says. "You wouldn't would you," Elsa says backing away from Jack. "I don't know would I," Jack says tapping his chin. Then Elsa ran and Jack just chased her. We started to follow them. Jack then tackled Elsa. "No Jack please don't," Elsa begs. Jack then started tickling her. "Jack... stop... before...I," Elsa says between breathes. "Make me," Jack says and smirks. They act like if we weren't here. Then Jack stops tickling her. "Has anyone every told you that you have beautiful eyes," Jack says. Elsa just blushes. Jack then gets up and helps her up.

Punzie's POV 

O my gosh I felt the feels when I saw that. "So, what should we do before we have to get ready for the reception," Flynn asks. "Lets just chill," Elsa says. "Fine by me," Jack says. We then walk towards the couch. We then hear a door bell ring. "I will get it," I say and go towards the door. 

I open the door and see Hans. "Nope," I say and close the door, but his foot got in the way. "Yup," he says and walks in. "Dumbass," I say. I then walks towards the couch and Hans does the same. "What do you want Hans," Elsa says. "You already now what I want," he says. I literally gag right then and there. "Something wrong," he asks. "Yeah you," Jack says. "Don't get on my bad side," he says. "I think I already have," Jack says. "You don't know what I'm capable of Frost," Hans says. "Hans get out already," Elsa says. "I was leaving anyway," he says and leaves. "Finally," I say. 

After a couple of hours the boys had to leave to get ready. We also have to get ready to. "Okay girls let go get ready for that reception," Elsa says. The reception doesn't start till 6 p.m. and its 2 p.m. right know. We all take a half an hour shower and getting ready takes an hour, so we should shower now. "Okay," they all say. All our rooms have our own bathrooms, so we don't have to wait and take turns. We then head to our rooms. 

My dress is on my bed already. After we sing we can hang there and just party like everyone else. Emily and Noah told us that we can have the entire day tomorrow off since we have been working non stop. We decided the boys will be playing the instruments, Jack and Elsa would do the duet, and the rest of us girls will be the backup singers. We don't mind since its nice being a back up singer. Jack has also decided to sing the song he sang to us at the wedding. He decided to do it after we all play the song as the Big 8. 

I then hop into my shower and take a 30 minute shower. I can't wait for the reception lets just hope everything goes good. 

Here it is. What did you guys think? I think it went good but that's my opinion. Anyway have a lovely day. Bye, for now my snowballs. 

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