Chapter 10

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Jack's POV

3 Months later 

I can't believe me and Elsa have been together for 3 months already. People have been talking about our relationship. Everyone also knows about our two bands joining to be one. We already have three albums for every month. Emily and Noah decided for us to only have 6 songs in one album and we don't mind. 

Right now I'm just sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Jack your phone is ringing," Kristoff says and hands me my phone. I look at the caller I.D. and it's Elsa. "Hey babe," I say. "Jack we need to talk," Elsa says and she sounds like if she was crying. "Elsa whats wrong," I ask. "We just need to talk come to my house," she says and ends the call. 

I got up and grabbed my keys. I have my own car, but the body guards always follow me even if I don't want them to. "Jack where are you going in such a rush," Hiccup asks. "Elsa needs me," I see. "Ah I see," he says. "Stop thinking dirty thoughts," I say and walk out of the house. I get in my car and drive off to Elsa's house with the body guard's car behind me. 

After a 20 minute drive I arrived at the house. I rang the door and one of the maids opened it. "Do you now where Elsa is," I say. "Yes she is in the living room," she says and I walk to the living room. I wonder where the rest of the girls are at. I then see Elsa on the couch with red puffy eyes. "Elsa what's wrong," I say and hug her, but she pushes me off. "You think I wouldn't find out," she yells. "Find out what," I ask. "Don't play dumb with me," she yells. "What are you talking about," I ask and move close to her, but she backs up. "This," she says and shows me a picture of me and Tooth kissing. "How did you get this," I ask. I thought I burned them when I broke up with her. "Today in the morning. I got a text from a unknow number and it showed a picture of you and Tooth," she says and tears start coming out. "Have you just been using me just, so you can get back with her," she asks. "No Elsa the only person I love is you," I say and grab her hand. "Don't touch me," she says. "I never want to see you again," she sneers. "Elsa," I say. "No get the hell out," she yells. "Elsa listen to me," I say and tears start rolling down my cheek. "Get out," she yells. She just pushes me out and slams the door in front of my face. 

Who sent her that anyway. That person will pay for breaking me and Elsa up. I then go to my car and drive off. Once I reach my house I get in and see the girls there. Maybe they can help me figure out who sent that text to Elsa. "Hey Jack is my sister with you," Anna asks. "No," I say. "So, what did she need to talk to you about," Flynn asks. " She doesn't want to talk to me anymore," I say. "Wait what. My sister was happy in the morning she was even going to come here," Anna says. "Well she just broke up with me," I say. "Why," Astrid asks. "Someone sent her a text of me and Tooth kissing, but that picture was supposed to be burned," I say. "Does she know," Kristoff asks. "No and she wont listen to me," I say. "Well how about you go for a walk to clear your head and we will knock Elsa back into her senses," Punzie says. "Okay," I say. 

I then head outside and walk to the park instead of driving there. Who the hell would have that picture. Could it be Tooth. No it can't see even wanted to be friends with Elsa and me. She is even dating someone. I reach the park and the sun is starting to set. It looks beautiful. I wish Elsa was here to see it with me. 

???'s POV

My plan is now in motion. I can't believe Elsa even believed that picture. It was really easy just to crop them together and make it look like they were kissing. I'm  just in the park looking at Jack. He looks so sad I feel so bad that I have to take him out the picture. Not. He took Elsa away from me and all I'm doing is taking her back. 

Jack then sits down and looks at the sky. Perfect time to strike. Plus no one even needs him. I then walk behind Jack and take out my gun and point it at his chest. "Bye Jack," I say. Jack then turns around and runs. Damn I should have kept my mouth shut. I then run after Jack. Good thing no one is here. The sun then came down and it was dark. Shit how I'm I going to find him now. I start walking when I hear rustling noises in a tree. I look up and see Jack. I start to climb, but he just jumps off. 

I run after him and tackle him. "Hans why are you doing this," Jack says. "Because Elsa should be with me not you," I say. He starts to struggle to get away from me, but he fails and stops. "Bye," I say. I shot him in the chest. I was about to shot him again when two body guards pushed me off of Jack. I hear Jack try to breath. He should be dead soon. 

"You are under arrest," one of the body guards say. I then see the police and the ambulance. My plan failed. I then see Elsa running to Jack. 

Elsa's POV (Early to now)

My sister told me to go to the boys house. I'm not sure why she wants me to go over there. I reach the house and see everyone outside expect for Jack. I don't even want to see him now. I get out of the limo and walk to everyone. "What do you need to talk about," I say and cross my arms. "Elsa that picture someone sent you is from a very long time ago,"  Hiccup says. "I don't believe you," I say and tears start rolling down my eyes. I loved Jack and I thought he loved me, but he doesn't even love me. 

"Elsa he loves you. He would do anything to make you happy and you know that," Anna says. "Can I see the picture," Kristoff asks. I got my phone out and showed him the picture. "How do you even now if this picture is real or not," Flynn asks. "I don't know," I say. "Elsa he loves you please don't leave him," Anna says. "How I'm I even sure if he loves me," I say. "First off Tooth is dating someone else and second Jack was heartbroken when he came back," Anna says. I'm the worst person ever. "Where is he," I ask. "He should be at the park," Hiccup says. We then pile into the limo. It started driving us to the park. He does love me and how could I have told him I never want to see him again. I have to make things up. 

After a short ride I see the police and the paramedics here. "What happened here," Hiccup asks. I then see Jack laying on the ground. I get out of the limo and run to him. I then see blood around him. I kneel down and cover my mouth. "Elsa," Jack says weakly. "O my gosh Jack. I am so sorry about the fight," I say and grab his hand. He uses his free hand to push a piece of my hair back. The paramedics then put him on the stretcher and take him to the ambulance. I follow them and get in. We start driving towards the hospital with our friends following us. "Jack please don't leave me," I say and start crying. "It's not your fault and remember I love you," he says. He then lets go of my hand and the monitor flatlines. "I love you too," I say and start crying. They start to resuscitate Jack. After 8 minutes they were able to start his heart again. 

We reach the hospital and they take him in surgery to take the bullet out of his chest. Anna then comes running in and hugs me. I just hug back and start crying. I then see Emma and her husband. I hug her and we both start to cry in each others shoulder. "He will make it," Emma says. "I know he is strong," I say. We then sit in the waiting room. 

After 3 hours the doctor came in. "For Jack Frost," he says. "Family and friends," he asks. "Yes," I say. "Well good news is that Jack is okay and stable bad news is that he is in a coma. We do not now how long he will be in one though," he says. "Can we see him," I ask. "Yes follow me," he says. We follow him and he shows us to a room. "Here he is. If you need anything tell the nurse to get Mr. Smith," he says and walks away. 

I then open the door and see Jack on the bed. I just walk over to him and hold his hand and squeeze it. I grab a chair and sit next to him. "I love you," I whisper. "How about we get some food," Anna says. "You guys go," I say. "Okay, but I'm going to get you some yogurt," Anna says. I just nod and look at Jack. I start to cry. 

Here it is. So what do you guys think? Hans was the mystery person. Did anyone suspect that. I literally cried when I was writing this. Sorry I posted so late. I was feeling down and I didn't feel like writing anything, but I wrote anyway. Anyway have a lovely day. Bye for now my snowballs. 

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