Chapter 21

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Jack's POV

2 months later 

I woke up and laid on my back. Last night Elsa had a bachelorette party with Anna, Punzie, Astrid, and Emma. So I stayed in the house by myself. But, then Hiccup came over and hanged out with me. Then he blindfolded me and took me outside. When he took off the blindfold Kristoff, Flynn, and Eric where there and surprised me with a bachelor party. We partied and it was over when we all passed out. 

I then got off the couch and saw Eric, Kristoff, Hiccup, and Flynn all on the floor sleeping. I then reached for my phone. I checked the time to see its already 10: 30 in the morning. The wedding isn't till 12, so I have time to get ready. I then got a phone call and I answered it. "Hey baby," I say. "Hey Frosty. I thought you still would be sleeping," Elsa says. "Me sleeping, no," I say. "Hmm," Elsa says. "How's our baby treating you," I ask. Elsa is 2 months pregnant and we wont get to found out the gender when she is 5 months pregnant. No one knows Elsa is pregnant, but I'm guessing there going to be wondering why Elsa has a bump when they see her in the wedding dress. "Well I got to go and get ready, bye," she says. "Bye," I say and end the call. I haven't seen her dress since it would bring bad luck. Well I guess I should go and get ready. 

After my shower I put on my tux, dress shirt, and slacks. Our color for the wedding is navy blue and white. So, the bridesmaids will be wearing navy blue. The boys and me are going to wear a white dress shirt and navy blue tie and rose. I checked the time to see its already 11. I went downstairs and saw everyone was ready. "You ready to get married," Eric asks. "Yup," I say. "You nervous," Hiccup asks. "A little," I say. "Don't be everything will go smoothly," Eric says. "Okay," I say. We then get inside the limo and it drives us to the beach. 

After a short ride we get there and the wedding isn't going to start in 20 minutes. I see the news people there and Elsa and my family members. I then see Noah and Emily. "I didn't expect you guys to be here," I say. "Well we did give you guys a year off since Elsa is pregnant, so we have time," Noah says. "I appreciate you guys coming," I say. "No problem Jack," Emily says. I then stand right next to the priest. "You ready," the priest asks. "I'm ready as I have ever been," I say. 

After a while music starts playing. Everyone then see the bridesmaids come down. Then Elsa came with her hand in her father's. Did she look damn beautiful. The way her dressed flowed and you couldn't even see the bump she had and her veil was long, but not to long. Her father then kissed Elsa on the check and gave me her hand. "Take care of her for me," he says. "I will," I say. "Hi," Elsa whispers. "Hi," I say. Then the priest started talking, but I really didn't hear what he said because I was to focused on her. Then he came to the vows. "The bride and groom have their own vows to say," the priest says. 

"Elsa since the day I laid my eyes on you. I knew we were meant to be together. You were the missing piece in my life. I would do anything for you. I would do anything for you because you are my world. I love the way your smile can brighten up my day and your voice. Your voice beautiful. When ever I hear it I fall deeper in love with you. I will be with you all the way because I love you from the moon and back," I say. Elsa has tears rolling down her cheeks when I finished. 

"Jack Frost. The man I feel in love with. I was afraid to fall in love since I was afraid you would be just like my ex, but you weren't. You made me laugh like no one has every made me laugh. When ever I see that smirk of yours it brightens up my day. The way you just joke around to make me stop being so serious. You make me feel free. You make me feel protected and loved. You love all my flaws even though I hate them," she says making everyone laugh. Once it dies down Elsa goes again. "You are my missing puzzle piece. You are my everything. I love you to the moon and back. I can't even see myself without you. I love you," she says. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest says. I then dip Elsa and kiss her. We then brake away and I help her up. Everyone cheers when we walk down the aisle. "Now Mrs. Frost ready for the party," I say. "I am," Elsa says. 

Elsa's POV 

When we reached the reception everyone congratulated us. "Mrs. Frost may I have this dance with you," Jack says. "You may Mr. Frost," I say and take Jack's hand in mine. The song was slow, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. "I love you," I say. "I love you too," he says. Once the song finished we went back to sit down. "I'm thirsty," I say. "Do you want me to get you some water," Jack asks. "Yes please," I say. He then goes to one of the waiters and asks for a water. The waiter hands me a water and I start to drink it. Then a new song plays. I was listening to it and it sounded very familiar and I knew that voice. "Too late give her the sign. I caught your eye, we can't rewind. It's too late, you hit the switch. She can't resist, we play a game all night."  I then stop drinking. That was the song Jack sang to me when he was about to propose to me. "Remember the song," Jack asks. "How could I not," I say. He then takes me to the dance floor. I start to sway my hips and then Jack twirls me. "We don't, we don't. (Even if it, we don't) We don't care.(Even if it) We don't, we don't. (Even if it, we don't) We don't." I then let myself free and let my body dance to the music. 

At the end of the song I was tried. "My beautiful Snowflake tried," Jack says and carries me bridal style and puts me down on the chair I was sitting on. "Ugh my feet hurt," I say and start to take off my heels. "You know your dress is really pretty on you," Jack says. "Aw thanks Frostbite," I say. I then put my shoes in a bag and put on flats instead. "Good thing I brought this with me," I mumble. "Good thing I told you," Jack says and kisses my neck. "Hmmm," I say. 

The party lasted till 1 in the morning. When the party ended, Jack and me went on to our honeymoon. Everyone said bye when we drove to the airport in Jack's black Lamborghini. "Were is our honeymoon," I ask. "Paris," Jack says. I gasp. "Really were going to Paris," I say. "Yup," he says. "How long," I ask. "For 2 weeks," he says. I just smile. 

We reach the airport and news people come to us with questions, but bodyguard's push them away. We boarded the jet. The jet had a little bed, so we can rest and sleep. I changed into comfy clothes to sleep and Jack did the same. Once we were in the air. I then laid on the bed. Jack then wrapped his hands around my waist. "Night honey," I say. "Night baby," he says and I drift off to sleep. 

Here it is. What do you guys think? Did you like it? Or is it trash? Anyway one more chapter left and this book is over. I'm still not sure if I want to do a squeal or not. Have a lovely day. Bye for now snowballs. 

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