Chapter 9 - Mixed Signals

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All night, I tossed and turned with thoughts of Hero and what happened at the pavilion yesterday. We didn't kiss. He didn't kiss me. He's had multiple opportunities to do just that, but he does nothing. Maybe he doesn't want to! Maybe this is a game to him! My insecurities start to fill in the blanks. No, I know he wants to. He just stops himself - I can feel it! I just don't understand why?

I've felt the draw we have on each other and know Hero is affected by it as much as I am. Yesterday was different, though. I saw a darker desire in his eyes, heard it in his voice, felt it in his touch. He had both of us wound up but stopped himself. He knew I wouldn't have stopped him.

'I'd make you get down on your knees. I'd make you beg, Jo... I'd make you ask me for it!' A shiver runs through me just remembering his voice and the look in his eyes when he'd said that. I run my hand over my clothed center, stroking and rubbing my desire for him—wetness gushing to accommodate my efforts.

A part of me wanted to give in at the pavilion. I needed him. No one has ever evoked such a feeling in me before.

Then there's the matter of the damn scarf. He showed up on vacation with my limited edition Chanel scarf. I know it's mine because I caught a whiff of my Chanel Allure perfume on it. 'Finders keepers,' he said. Where did he find it, and why won't he give it back? My head hurts from trying to figure him out. To think this was supposed to be a relaxing getaway for me. It's four in the morning, and all I can think about, all my body is allowing me to think about, is Hero!



It's four in the bloody morning, and my mind won't shut off. Images of Jo's curves, her blushing cheeks, her smooth sun-kissed legs float around in my head. I need her and not just for her body. Her sass, innocence, sense of humour, and kindness, I need all of her.

I've always had a sense of loneliness inside of me. Dad has always been more business-focused, mum has always been obsessed with her social circles. Mercy has been there, but being older than her means I'm looking out for her with no one really looking out for me. Despite having friends all around me, I've felt lonely and on my own. I've always carried my loneliness like a block of ice inside of me. It's been impenetrable until her. She fuels something inside me I do not understand. The warmth she induces in me melts everything away. All that's left residing in me... is her. She dwells in me.

Yesterday was torture. This entire trip has been torture. She's near me, in front of me, around me, and all my senses are on high alert. Only, I can't have her without risking the people we both love. I almost lost it yesterday watching her tongue dart out of her luscious pink lips and swirl around her ice cream. I was fucken jealous of an ice cream!

If she only knew the things I want to do with her and to her over and over again... consensually, of course. I pull out her scarf from under my pillow and place it next to my head. Her scent fills my nostrils, and images of her fill my mind.

She's sitting in my bed, one hand hiking up her dress, the other is dipped into her panties. Her eyes are locked with mine. My hand wraps around my growing cock inside my boxers, under the duvet. I begin to move slowly and quietly, not wanting to wake the guys up, but fuck, I'm painfully hard, and I need a release or I'll go mental.



After breakfast, the group goes for a dolphin excursion, but I excuse myself deciding to stay in. My muscles feel tense with all the overthinking and lack of sleep. I end up booking a massage on the beach to actually relax and clear my mind instead.

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