Chapter 35 - Endlessly

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~Two years later~

Once the heart becomes too heavy with pain, people no longer cry. They just turn silent. Dad had become just that, utterly and completely silent.

Mum's on again off again catatonic depression broke his heart daily, yet he remained by her side. He loved her through it all, for better or for worse. Amazed at how his resolve remained strong, I had asked him how he did it. His explanation resonated with me in a way it perhaps wouldn't have had Josephine and I not faced the struggles we had.

His face showed signs of the struggles he had faced, and yet the lines of wisdom only seemed to make his expression more resolved. "Sometimes you'll have to let go of the same person many different times and many different ways in life then fall in love with them all over again." I didn't have to let Jo go, and she never had to let me go either, thankfully, but we did learn to love one another through all the hiccups and bumps in life.

"I'm glad to see you here, dad. It's really nice to hear your voice." It had taken Mercy playing on dad's love for Ava and Juliana to get him on a plane and here for the wedding. "I'm happy to witness this day, son. There was a time I doubted this would even be possible. Heck, I didn't even think we would be able to keep our business and have a next-generation entrepreneur in our family." His warm laughter was enough for me to know he was as happy as he could be. Mum was still hospitalized back in L.A but he'd flown to Maui to attend our wedding and would fly back the next day.

"Speaking of the future of our company, have you seen Julz?" I asked, turning to see if I could spot her. She ran out the door to see her grandpa.  He was walking with her in the garden when I caught up to them. "She ran off before I could change her bum and bring her some breakfast. Mercy took Jo to the spa to get her prepped for the ceremony later, and I told her I'd manage Julz on my own." Losing my offspring in the lush greenery surrounding this resort was probably not the best way to head into a wedding ceremony.

"Well," dad chuckled as he nodded his head in the direction behind him. "I'm not sure where Julz went, but I really hope she didn't crawl under that gigantic red plant that is known to eat baby nappies." His eyes sparkled with amusement as my gaze moved over to the large red Hibiscus shrub. We heard little high-pitched shrieks followed by the shrub moving and thrashing about. Then suddenly, Julz popped out in a flash of blonde, bare-bottomed, running as fast as her chubby little legs could carry her. "Juliana! Where is your nappy?" I asked as I gathered her up in my arms.

Her green eyes were teary, and her lips pinched together as a single tear slid down her bright red cheek. She pointed at the shrub she just ran from with a chubby little accusational finger. "Bad bishcush!" Just as I was about to respond, the shrub moved again and out popped Julz's older cousin and resident troublemaker Ava. "Uncle Hero, I saved Julz from that evil plant. I tossed her nappy at it so Julz could get away, then I ran too because I don't wear nappies anymore." Ava came rushing to us and hugged dad's leg. I didn't miss the proud look on her face. She really thought she had saved the day. Dad gave me a shrug that said, just go with it.

"I'm proud of you girls and your quick thinking, but remember, if you can't see us, then we can't see you. It's always safer to stay where we can see you." Both girls nodded their heads. I suppose that was enough of a scare for them not to wander off again. "Dad, can you take Ava over to Brent while I get Julz washed, dressed and fed?"

I wanted to swing by the spa, but Jo had been strict on not letting me see her dress before the ceremony. I couldn't wait to see her, to have her to myself tonight while Juliana had a sleepover with her Aunt Mercy and Uncle Brent. My mind had been busy conjuring up various states of undress I wanted to see Jo in. I only had an entire day to get through.

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