Chapter 10 - Champagne

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"You've been here two days now and haven't gone out exploring anywhere?" Katherine looks at me, stunned. She's an intern in the asset management department and closest to my age in the office. "If I hadn't sat with you during the CEO's town hall meeting yesterday, I bet you wouldn't have even spoken to me!" I would have eventually. I was just in mourning. Mourning the loss of someone who wasn't mine, to begin with. She didn't need to know that, though.

"Let's walk down the street and grab lunch at one of the cafe's down at the Harbourfront? Cruise ships usually dock there. We can watch seaplanes land for refuelling. You can even see the mountain range in the background. It's the first place to visit when you're here." She says with conviction. "Sure, I'll meet you downstairs at noon at the Burrard street exit." Shining the best half-hearted smile I can muster up. "How do I get to boardroom 7c? The next meeting on my schedule starts soon, and I have to take minutes." I inquire. "It's down that hall, fourth door to your right. There's a hot guy in there since this morning speaking in a language that's maybe English, but I can't understand a word they're saying. He's been on video calls all morning. Double-check if 7c is the room you're supposed to be in." Katherine winks at me.

Two doors down from boardroom 7c, I can already hear someone talking loudly, and I have no idea what is being said. The man is clearly British, but he's not speaking proper English.

"He best back off now, bro. My bruv got beef with this kretin! I be like... allow it fam! My bruv had feds on this motherfucker. Man got owned... Alie! Then he shows up here... wanting to link up with my man's wifey. This ain't even his endz. I'm just bovvered by it all. Knowwhatimsayin! It's messed up innit?"

As the boardroom's glass walls come into view, so does the back of a tan-skinned man in black pants and a white jumper. He's on a video call with another tan-skinned guy who has spotted me in the background.

"Oi, wah'gwan... who dis peng ting Morgz?" The guy on the video call asks. "I'll call you back, yeah?" The guy in the boardroom says as he turns to look at me and ends the call.

"Hello, I'm Morgan. I'm the Investment Analyst from London here for the meeting about the merger. You're Josephine, right?" So he can speak proper English! Wait, he knows who I am?!

"Yes, I'm the co-op student assigned to this merger to document the due diligence process. If you don't mind me asking... how'd you know who I am?" I had to ask. His eyes shift nervously before he explains, "you're the youngest person to walk in this boardroom. I figured you were the co-op." I look around as more people join the meeting and nod. Why do I have a feeling he's lying?

"Took you long enough! I thought you weren't coming!" Katherine walks up to me. "My meeting ran late, sorry. I hope you weren't waiting long. I'll buy lunch to make it up to you." She nods, and we head off down to the Harbourfront centre. As we approach a cafe where Katherine swears we can get the best donair and a drink for 5 bucks, a guy stops us. "Hey, I didn't see you in the office today. I wanted to ask if you're coming out tonight." He looks over at me as if just noticing me for the first time, "Hi, I'm Dan. weren't you in the merger meeting just now?" He sticks out his hand, and I shake it awkwardly. "Hi, yes, I'm Josephine." I pull my hand out of his grip a bit forcefully. "I'll come if more people are coming," Katherine tells Dan. "Fine, bring Josephine with you. My friends are already going to be there since it's their event. What time should I pick you ladies up?" He's suddenly filled with hope as he looks between Katherine and me. "We'll meet you there at eight." Katherine nods at him and pulls my arm, dragging me away with her. Dan's still standing in his spot, watching us leave like a creep.

"I don't want to go tonight, Katherine." That guy is giving me a weird vibe. "Dan's been trying to get me to go out with him since before Christmas. You have to come with me, Josephine! I can't go alone. Besides, you'll get to see the night scene here down in the Granville area." She's really doing her best to convince me. "I don't even have anything to wear to something like that." She has explained that it's an upscale lounge with a restaurant area, bar and dance floor. The vibe is more like a club once it gets later in the night. "You're wearing something of mine! It's decided!" There's obviously no arguing with her.

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