Request 4

578 27 13

This was requested by: BrightLikeStar

Ship: Inswapnia


Error didn't know what or how to feel about what just happened to Dream. Last week, he was a merciless person who hates negativity. Now, he's a small harmless bean who loves his brother so much. What are the odds of that happening?

Looking out the window, he saw Dream playing with his brother, both were really happy with each other. He smiled to see both of them playing together rather than killing each other.

He saw Dream playing catch with his brother and seems to be a bit out balanced whenever he catches them, nevertheless, he still got it.
After a while, Nightmare looks into his watch and called Dream to go inside.

As soon as they got in, Nightmare told Error something.
"Hey, Error. Can you watch Dream for me? I need to buy some stuff for the house."

Dream's cheeks puffed up and he pouted. "I'm not a kid!" He whined, making the two secretly laugh at his childish behavior.
"I know you're not a kid, but you're still my little brother." Nightmare said while patting Dream's head.

"No worries, Nights. I'll take care of him." Error assured. "Okay, see ya!" Nightmare went out of the house and headed somewhere else.

Error looked at Dream, he was playing with a yarn ball. Error smiled and just watched that little angel from the couch as he knits a sweater.

A few minutes later, Dream called Error's attention. Error looked down and almost choked on his laughter. Dream managed to tangle himself in the yarn and could barely move. It was funny and adorable.
He helped Dream untangle the yarn around him and asked if he wanted to play with him instead.

Dream nodded excitedly and they went outside. "Can we play tag???" He asked with pure excitement in his voice. "Whatever you like, Sunshine." He said. Wait what? 'Sunshine?' Why does that name sound so familiar?

"I'm sorry, Error. But I can't keep doing this..."

Error blinked when he thought he heard something. He looked around to see Dream already running away from him with his tongue sticking out as he mocked him. Error smirked and began chasing the little angel.

"Dreamy~ Where are you~" Error cooed while looking around the forest. He couldn't find the little midget. Then his anxiety kicked in.

"What if he's lost? What if I never find him? What if Blue or Ink found him first? Nightmare will kill me if something happened to him!" He began panicking and hyperventilating due to anxiety.

"Calm down, Error. It's just a game. He's not lost, you just have to find him." He assured himself and continued looking for Dream.

"Dream? Where are you?!" He yelled out to the forest.
"Well well well~ What do we have here?" A voice came by, one too familiar for Error to even forget.
"What do you want, Blue?" He said coldly without even sparing a look at the blue glitch.

"My my, Never have I ever heard you spoke to me in such a cold matter~" He said. "What are you even doing here?" Error spat at him. "What else? I'm looking for Dream of course! He's been missing from JR for weeks now, so it's only fair for him to return to where he actually belongs. With Me~" He answered.

Error felt a pang of jealousy struck inside him. No way was he going to let this flipping glitch find Dream before him.
Blue looked at him and smirked, knowing all too well that Error likes Dream.

"Oh, what's wrong Error? I thought you and Dream already broke up years ago? Don't you remember?~" Blue asked.

Error gave a questioned look before realizing what he meant. He began recalling the memories he had with Dream. Back when he was in his old form.

They used to date in secret before Blue found out and they were forced to break up because if it.

Error began glitching out as memories flooded back to him, making his sight blurry as tears fell down.

"We can't keep this up anymore..."

"I can't keep doing this..."

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore..."


Error snapped back to reality when he saw Dream looking at him worriedly. Error looked around and Blue was nowhere to be found.
He turned his attention back at Dream who had apologetic eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Error. I-I didn't m-mean to m-make you worry..." He stuttered on his words and frowned sadly before hugging him.

Error hugged him back and shedded some tears after remembering some stuff in the past. Dream wiped away hid tears and said.

"It's okay, I'm here now." And he smiled brightly like the sun he is.

Bonus scene:

The two came back home after a long day. Only to find an angry Nightmare with his arms crossed and was ready to beat the sh*t out of Error for making him worry like hell.

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