Part 1

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Roman walked into his room crying. He found out his long term boyfriend was cheating on him, so he broke up with him. He looked at a picture he had on one of his shelves, of him and his now ex-boyfriend. He walked over to it, picked it up, and throw it in the garbage that was under it by the door.

He looked back up and saw that his old, black stuffed animal cat. Apparently, it had been sat behind the picture. He had forgotten that he put the toy on the shelf when he moved into his apartment. He grabbed the stuffed animal, smiling at all the memories he had with this toy. He used to never go anywhere without this toy. He was always there for him.

He sat down on his bed, holding the stuffed animal close. He still felt comfort from the precise and beloved stuffed toy, even though he was now a 25-year-old adult. He laid down and just let the memories flow through as they came.  

(173 words.) 

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