Part 8

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Roman got out of his bed, and went to the kitchen of his apartment, and looked at the mail on the counter. He noticed an eviction notice. He signed knowing he will probably have to find a cheaper place if his next acting gig didn't go well.


The twin's parents called them into the living room to talk to them.

"Boys, we're going to be moving. We're moving closer to grandma and grandpa," their dad said. "Your mother and I have bought a new house, and are selling this one. We have a month to get out."

"What 'bout our friendth?" Roman asked. He anxiously hugged Virgil tight.

"You'll make new ones," their mom said. "Now go to your room, and start packing."

The twins went up to their shared room. They didn't start packing yet, they just sat down on the fuzzy carpet/rug they had in their room. Roman was anxiously fiddling with the stuffed toy in his hands.

"Wroman?" Remus said questioningly.

"Yeah, Wemuth?" Roman looked up at his brother.

"We'll always have each other, right?" Remus asked shyly.

Roman smiled at him, "Of courthe, Wemuth. We'rw brotherth, and we wilw alwayth have each other'th backth."

Remus smiled and hugged his brother. "Tanks Wroman. I wove you. And even if we don't make new friewnds, we'lw always have each other."

"I wove you, too, Wemuth," Roman hugged back. "Betht friendth alwayth and forevwr."

"Always and forever," Remus said as they pulled away. "Plus, we have Virgil to keep us company."

Roman giggled a little. "Yeah." He looked at the stuffed toy in his hands.

"I guess we souwld start packing like mom said," Remus sighed.

"Yeah..." Roman sighed. Then got an idea. "Ooooo, let'th make a game out of thith!"


The two packed up over the next few weeks. During the whole moving thing, Virgil was always by Roman. Virgil somehow always made/helped Roman feel less anxious. 

(320 words.) 

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