Part 5

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Roman remembered that Virgil was the one 'person' he could always talk to, even in the middle of the night.


Roman woke up with tears streaming down his face. He had had a scary nightmare. He looked around, trying to find his stuffie, Virgil. He didn't see him on his bed and started to panic a little.

"Virgil?" he whispered out. "Where are you?" He looked over the edge of his bed and saw his beloved stuffed toy on the ground. He gasped and quickly grabbed the stuffie. "Vwrgey, you couwld have been taken from the bed monthtwr!" He hugged Virgil tight.

After a few minutes of hugging Virgil, Roman asked, "Vwrgwy? Can I telw you about my thcarwy drwam?" After a second he said, "Tankth." He then told Virgil about his dream. Telling his stuffie made him feel better, and he was able to fall back asleep, holding said stuffie close.


Though he was an adult, Roman fell asleep, feeling safe with the stuffed toy in his arms. 

(169 words.) 

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