Part 3

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Roman ran his finger over the purple patch on the stuffed animal's eye, remembering what had happened.


Roman and Remus were getting ready to go to the park with their parents. They were packing a backpack with snacks, toys, water, and sunscreen. Roman, of course, brought Virgil with him.

The boys claimed into the car, buckling into their car seats. They bounced in their seats on the way to the park.

When they got there, they ran over to the slides, going down them, Roman holding Virgil the entire time. He ran to the swings and swung on one, superman style (lying on his stomach on the swing), holding Virgil out. He giggled while he swung and babbled/talked to Virgil.

-time skip-

The boys played for a while until their parents called for them, saying it was time to leave. The boys came running over. Roman tripped, scraping his knee, and ripping a hole by Virgil's eye/ripping off his eye. He started crying, more upset about what happened to Virgil than to himself. His parents came over to him.

"Vwrgwl'th hurt," Roman said.

"Hey, it's okay. We can patch him up. Don't worry," his mom said, as his dad cleaned his knee and put a bandaid on it.

When they got home, the twins' mom found some scrap purple plaid fabric and sawed it over the hole. It was a bit big, so it went over the small hole and some part that wasn't ripped. She found a black button that matched the old eye sewing it on before giving it to Roman, who was waiting worriedly for his best friend.

"See, he's all better now."

Roman smiled, grabbing Virgil from his mom, "Tanth!" he cheered, hugging his beloved stuffie.  

 (291 words.)

(stuffie!Virgil -pretend the white spot is purple plaid like V's jacket has-)(a pic I found) 

(↓stuffie!Virgil -pretend the white spot is purple plaid like V's jacket has-↓)(a pic I found) 

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