Part 4

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It was Roman and Remus' 6th birthday, but sadly they were sick, and they couldn't have the party they had been playing to have. Their parents were having them stay in bed and rest.

Roman was bored, lying in bed. He held Virgil up over his face. "Thith ith a vewy bowring bwrfday," he sighed. "*la gasp* you're wight Vwrge, we can have a pawrty ourthelveth." He sat up and went over to Remus' bed, on the other side of the long room. He pulled himself up onto his brother's bed. Remus looked over at him. "Remus, we might not be able to have the party with our friends, but we can still party together."

"You're right," Remus smiled, sitting up.

The two played music, using one of their toys, and danced around with each other, Roman holding Virgil. Every once in a while, they coughed and sneezed, but spent most of the time giggling. Their little party was broke up when their parents came in, after about 15-20 minutes, telling them they needed to rest.


Roman chuckled lightly at the memory of 'Virgil's' idea.

The toy always seemed to have a life of its own. The two would have full-on conversations. Though, he could almost swear that talking to Virgil was like talking to another real person. He shook his head, shaking it off, figuring it was probably just his wild childhood imagination. 

(234 words.) 

Adventures of Roman and His Stuffed Toy, Virgil!Where stories live. Discover now