Part 2

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(btw kid Roman has a lisp)

Roman was at preschool and, of course, he had his loving stuffed toy, Virgil, with him. He's had Virgil for a long time and he was his favorite. It was currently first reses, and Roman was playing Rescue Virgil with his twin brother, Remus. Remus was playing the bad guy, who took Virgil. They were using sticks as weapons.

"Unhand thiw Vwgwl!" Roman demanded.

"Nevwr!" Remus called, grabbing Virgil, and running onto one of the playground platform things. Roman ran after him. "Mwahahahahahaha," Remus evil laughed, sliding down a slide.

"Come back, you fiend!" Roman called after him.

"You'll have to catch me if you want Vwrgil back!"

The two ran around the playground laughing and calling to each other. Roman finally corners Remus. He points his 'swords' at him.

"Give him back an' I wilw thpare you," Roman said.

"Never," Remus said back, giggling a little. Roman moved his 'sword' forward pushing it into Remus's chest a little. "Noooo. Blah," Remus called, falling down acting dead.

Roman grabbed Virgil from Remus, "I've thaved you, thiw Virgil. You are now thafe. Mwa," he said, kissed the stuffie, then hugged it tightly.

"Line up!" the teacher called.

Remus sat up. Both of the twins giggled. Roman helped Remus up, and the two ran to line up for lunch. The class went inside to the cafeteria, and the kids got their lunches. The twins sat down. Roman put Virgil next to him on the table. They chatted, giggled, and ate their lunch until it was time to go back to the classroom.

The class sat in circle, for storytime. After storytime was nap time. Roman slept holding Virgil tight. Remus laid in the cot next to him.


Roman smiled at the memory of when he and his brother were so close. Being part of different clicks in highschool they drifted apart. 

(315 words.) 

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