Part 11

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(longer than the other parts -about 600 words-) 

It was the twins' 3rd birthday and Roman had been bummed. The twins' dad had to stay for work, their grandparents couldn't make it, neither could the rest of their family. It was just the two of them and their mom, who had been drinking alcohol the whole night.

The twins were in their room. "I made you something. Well, grandma helped me make it," Remus said. "Here." He handed Roman a bag.

"Tankth, Wemuth," Roman said, taking the bag. He opened it and pulled out a black cat stuffed toy. "I wove it! Tankth tho much!"

"Oh, courfse. You'rw my brofer, always and forever."

"I made yow somfing, too," Roman said. He got up and grabbed something from under his pillow. "Herw." He handed Remus a piece of paper.

Remus looked at the paper, and smiled a big goofy smile, matching the one on Roman's face. On the paper was a crayon drawing of the two of them. "Tanks!"

"Awayth and forwvwr?"

"Aways and forwvwr."


Roman had tears threatening to spill as he clicked on Remus' contact. He took a deep breath before clicking the call button, hoping this was still Remus' number.




"Hello?" could be heard from the other side of the phone.

"Remus?" Roman questioned.


"Good. Hey, it's Roman."


"I- I'm sorry, I- I probably shouldn't have called."

"Wait!... Why did you call?"

"I- I-"


"Do... do you remember, Virgil, the toy you made for me, for our 3rd birthday," Roman said hesitantly.

"Yeah. I do. Why?"

"Well, I found him on my shelf, and a lot of childhood memories came back, then I found an eviction notice, and have been looking for a place all day, and had more memories. I- I d-don't know," Roman said, tears started falling, and his voice was wavering. 

"Eviction? Roman, I thought you had a stable job."

"I- I did, b-but I got fired, a-a-and haven't been able to keep a job since."

"Roman, you should have fucking called me sooner, bitch. We're fucking brothers."

"A-always and f-forever?"

"Always and forever, Roman."

Roman chuckled lightly, tears still falling.

"Roman? Do you need a place to stay for a while?"

"I can't ask you to do that, Remus."

"Always and forever, Roman. We might not have had the best relationship in high school, and we might have not talked in years, but it would be... nice to catch up."

"I would love to catch up, Remus. You might be a sociopath, but you are my brother."

A chuckle was heard over the phone. "This sociopath can't wait to see his prince of a brother."

"When do you want, and where do you want to meet up?"

"Tomorrow, 1 pm, at the spot. You still remember where it is right?"

"Of course, I do Remus. It's our spot."

The twins had a special spot they would go after school or when their parents would be fighting. They found it a few years after they moved closer to their grandparents. It was a clearing in the woods. No one else knew it was there, only the two of them.

"I have to go. See you tomorrow, Bitch."

"See you, Remus," Roman chuckled as they hung up.

Roman had a happy smile on his face, knowing he was going to see his brother again after so long. He looked at the stuffed toy next to him. He couldn't believe finding his favorite childhood toy could have brought him here. He picked up the toy, held it close, and whispered, "Thank you, Virgil." In the back of his head, he heard 'you're welcome'. 

(610 words. I hope yall enjoyed this book. This is probably going to be the last part. Unless yall really want me to try and write a chapter about the twins' meet-up.) (642 words.)  

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