Chapter 19

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Welcome to Chapter 19 - wow what can I say except a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented on this story, I have just reached over 1k views which is crazy - so as a thank you here is a long chapter, enjoy!!

Lydia POV

This can't be happening, he can't have really gone with them on his own accord. This must be some mistake yet I know it isn't as I saw it with my own eyes, his reaction to everyone to quitting the job he loves to willingly getting in the lift with Janson.

"How can this of happened? He is most loyal to those he loves so why turn his back on us now especially after everything we went through to get him back." Scott asks as we all take seats again in the Morgue with Scott, Thomas, Mitch, Rafael and Sheriff all pacing back and forth trying to work out what has just happened.

"Did I do this too him? Is me fixing him actually made things worse." Mitch voices sounding as though he is beating himself up over what has just happened.

"No! This is not your fault or anyone's fault except for Stiles's, he has made his choice and there is nothing we can do about it. Excuse me, I have calls I need to make." Rafael states as he grabs Stiles's gun and credentials off the table before leaving the Morgue.

"What do we do now? How do we make this right?" Thomas asks sounding heartbroken from where he sits with his injuries been reassessed by Melissa.

"We stick with the plan and don't let it get personal. We take down WCKD once and for all and try to save Stiles from himself." Stan states from his position next to Irene looking mainly at Mitch as he speaks.

"So first steps are to open up the Hospital as there is no threat here anymore then we try and track Stiles's movements since he has left here. We need to work out though if Stiles is with them voluntarily or if he is been blackmailed, we all know Stiles and are aware of the games WCKD play with people's minds." Irene advises as Melissa and Dr Geyer leave to make the relevant calls to reopen the Hospital again.

"We can use my loft as a safe meeting place for everyone so we know there is no risk of us been overheard just in case WCKD have left any moles hidden in the department." Derek offers receiving a scattering of thanks before he provides those who require it the relevant information.

"I'm going to head to the Safe Haven to advise them of what has happened, I don't think Stiles will allow WCKD to do anything to them but after today I just don't know anymore." Thomas advises before leaving the Morgue.

"Lydia, are you okay? Don't worry we will get him back again, even if we have to dose him with Kanima venom and drag him back here." Scott states coming over to comfort me as the tears have been rolling slowly down my face as everyone has been talking.

"What if we can't this time? What if we have lost him for good, I can't bare the thought of never seeing him again." I confess to him as I hear feet shuffling towards us and look to see the Sheriff join us.

"Lydia, you can't think that way. Don't give up on him just yet, I may not always understand everything that is happening with the Supernatural but I know my Son. He wouldn't be doing what he is doing right now unless he didn't have any other choice." Sheriff starts speaking and I notice everyone else has stopped what they are doing to listen to what he is saying.

"Over the years he may have made some questionable choices but he has always had a good heart and its that heart that is driving his choice now. We all wouldn't be gathered here today if he hadn't dragged Scott out into the woods or decided to trust his gut with Mitch and Thomas. Something deep down is telling me to trust him now." Sheriff finishes and I dive into his arms wrapping him in a tight hug.

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