Chapter 78: The Final Countdown

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A few weeks to a year later, the plan began to fall into plan. Pitch was begin to think that he had won and North prediction that he'll eventually grow wise and show up at the door to the castle eventually came true.

Though, Pitch didn't bother to use the front door. Instead he slunk his way back into the shadows that siloeted the castle, managing to find a secret passageway inside.

The halls of the building were dead quiet as he made his way down the endless hallway. "You who, guardians. Come out, come out wherever you are" he snickered sang. Just then as if not cue, the six guardians came around the corner.

"Pitch, well... took you long enough!" North grunted, narrowing his eyes angrily.

Pitch!" Jack's voice echoed throughout those hallowed halls.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Jack Frost— you know, you and me could've been great together" he sneered, smiling evilly- show that sinister smile of his.

"Pitch- took you long enough, and... you were messed up in the head if you think that I'd ever join you" he growled,

"Oh Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack" he said, slow clapping. "That doesn't matter now, because I've got a new batch of helpers" he snickered and sneered with a smile as dark and and vile as the devil's himself.

"Is that so? You're not the only one with a secret weapon, you know"

"Ahhh, that first believer of yours. I'd hardly call that a secret weapon" he smirked evilly.

"I'm not talking about Jamie, Pitch— since that little stunt you pulled with the black sand we've found another, and this one's even stronger"

"Ha! Stronger?" He laughed. "How so?"

"Well for one, she's a witch"

"A witch, you say?" Came a sarcastic remark.

"Yes, her name is Riley Anderson— and she's going to help us stop you"

"You, and what army?" Pitch sneered as his lovely dark creation were revealed, stepping out of his one shadow.

Pitch and his evil dark copies of the heroic and beloved guardians began to charge forward.

"You guys take care of your evil doppelgänger, leave Pitch Black to me". Riley replied, triumphantly.

"You mean: us". Sophia stepped out from behind a nearly pillar, apparently she had overheard the little conversation.

"Sis, you came!" Riley exclaimed, pulling her sister into a tight bear-hug.

"Yes Riley," she replied once they pulled away. "I overheard the conversation and I'm hear to help. Now what spell do you want to use on this joker?"

"Hmmm..." wheels in Riley's head start to turn as she raised her wand in preparation for an epic battle.

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