Red Strings of Fate

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 Hisoka planned to just take a quick shower and lay in bed since his night didn't go as plan, it seems that even that plan isn't going the way he wanted. There was a sharp knock on his door. At best he would've ignored the person knocking at worst he would've killed them. Until he noticed how deceivingly weak their aura is. Could they've mistaken his room for someone else's, no they wouldn't be allowed to be on the 200th floor if that was the case, he only knows one person that has a fluctuating aura like this one. Well, there was one way to find out.

His door creaked ever so eerily revealing his favorite tattooist on the other side of it. With a different appearance from the one, he saw earlier that night. The magician remembered raising eyebrows when he first saw her busily getting dolled up. He doesn't remember her caring that much about how she looked, nor did he think that she would favor wearing dresses. But there she was, wearing a nice formal black dress, styling her hair, and putting on a light and simple makeup. Shu never dressed up for things before, not when she went out on dates or even when they celebrated both of their birthdays.

In truth Hisoka was confused why the shabby tattoo shop was closed that morning, at first he simply brushed it off as Shu would sometimes sleep in. It was only when he came back to give Shu chocolates that he forcibly entered the upstairs living area. The delusional magician was taken aback at first, but quickly joked about it when he came to his senses. Saying how he didn't know how much of a romantic she actually is.

A soft silvery chuckle is how she started her answer.

"Valentine's day is our anniversary Hiso," she started "might as well bother getting pretty for him."

Hearing that made Hisoka leave to take care of his own plans for the night. That is at least what the magician grim reaper said to the tattooist. Yet here they both are. Him in just his robe freshly out of the shower, and her in her pretty formal black dress and ruined makeup. He stared stunned and rooted in his place as she tried to rub the running mascara along with her tears. His mouth ever so slightly moved to speak only to find himself at a loss for words. A lot of first times seem to happen on this specific day. Hisoka wondered if Friday the 13th kicked in late since everything is going wrong today when bad luck was supposed to happen yesterday.

"I'm sorry. At first, I didn't want to intrude because I thought you picked someone up on a club or something, but when I passed by I felt that you're alone."

Her voice was barely above a whisper the small animalistic growls mixed in it made it hard to hear.

"You're here alone, and not where you told me you would be. ♠"

"He didn't bother to come."

Ahhh does that mean he has to kill someone, Hisoka wondered. Surely her "boyfriend" was aware that ever upsetting his favorite tattooist means he would come for their life, and not one of their little spider friends could stop him. Before he starts to plan out the murder spree that would surely follow this incident the magician decided to let Shu in. He guided her to the bathroom to clean up, offered some water then sat next to her.

"How do you want me to kill him? ♠" He asked

It took a while before Shu to answer as if she was contemplating about it.

"Don't bother," she started "getting rid of exes is something a younger me did."

"Surely you don't expect me to let this go. ♠" He argued

The silvery ring of her chuckle bounced around the room "Hiso you're not in a position to casually kill him and get away with it right now."

"And it's not your business to worry about me. ♠"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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