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"I said 'you have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen'," the young tattooist ran her fingers to the red strands of her friend's hair as he rest his head on her lap "I mean sure I'm stuck on grandpa's mansion and haven't seen much, but their hair is like pure gold strings stuck on a head."

The red haired fox hummed as she continues to talk about her story. He didn't quite remember how things escalated and suddenly end up like this, but right now he was on a couch that she moved to face the window. Because according to her the reason she's even here in the first place is all because he have a nicer view than hers, so he just rolls with it. It's not like he would argue with her of all people.

While using her lap as a pillow he continued to listen to the blue eyed wild cat's little story.

"Do you know what Yuu-chan said?"


"I think you are prettier m'lady," She chirped "and I just lost it. And that is how I met my first love."

With a small smile the silver reaper stared at the unpainted face of her favorite clown, slowly running her fingers in his ungelled hair before her thumb found it's way to his close eye.

"What about you Hiso," she breathed silvery voice ringing across the room "do you have any story for me?"

Upon opening his eyes Hisoka was met with the amused ocean orbs that belonged to the silver reaper.

"For you," he said as his golden orbs stared at her "I don't know about love, but I do remember meeting a girl."

She laugh "A girl? You better be not making this up."

The jester chuckled " you don't know how many times I wished I did."

Suddenly the light hearted atmosphere vanish, her pale fingers stopped playing with his red locks just freezing atop his head. Shu stared for a moment or two as hesitation took hold of her throat. This doesn't sound like the Hisoka she knew.


"For years I wish that meeting her was just that, a fleeting illusion,"  almost unconsciously he reaches out for her silver hair wrapping the strands around his fingers "only to be disappointed time and time again that it did happened it was real, she was real"

"H--how," she cough "how did you meet?"

"I was 14."


I don't know much about her. She suddenly appeared like some ghost of the night telling me nothing but a simple praise

"You did good."

Leaving me with nothing but her memory and a stench of death. What horrible timing she had, meeting me at such a critical moment. Such an unfortunate thing it was that we kept secrets from each other  if not I wonder if we could've met sooner.

'You met her again? What is she like?'
'Different from what I remember, frankly I was disappointed. She doesn't even remember me.'
'That's so sad.'(DM: ALEXA PLAY DESPACITO!)

But even Hisoka knew that wasn't the case, before he could continue there was a thundering knock at the door.

"I guess there's my date," Shu stood up and made her way to the door "See you in a week Hiso."

He remembered that same silvery voice from 10 years ago. That same silver hair and blue eyes as the image of her younger version in her light blue dress and black trench coat turned away from him as she does now.

"I won't lose you again."

DM: Sup y'all know what today is? Since I know that I would be updating nothin' since I got a job now, (gotta earn me some greens) I decided to give y'all a treat in this April fool's day. But don't you worry your pretty little heads I'll be updating something this month that's for sure. If ever in the case that I didn't just assume that I joined Lance corporal Levi in the other side. With that said my darlin I'll see y'all when I got time to breathe, bubyeee~

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