Ch 3: Sweet tooth runs in the family

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DM: I own nothing except anything that has to do with my OC

English isn't my first language, but swearing is. Well you're here for the fanfiction so let's go.


Running, just running, Shu almost regretted ever leaving her small shabby tattoo shop where she could just ignore all the costumers and just read as many books as she could. But alas she just had to watch over the delusional magician she called a friend, she's almost determined to look for a different path just to get this over and done with, however she still want to give her little snowflake his favorite chocolate. She just can't strut to his face and introduce herself as a complete stranger, she still isn't ready to explain to the poor child why she hasn't visit, what she needs is a conversation starter... the very thing she sucked at.

And then someone just had to accuse her favorite baby brother of cheating.

'I am soo going to chop that guy to tiny pieces.'

She was going to correct the guy, but someone beat her to it.

"You're wrong he just asked us to follow him didn't he?" A boy at around Killua's age reasoned

'What are children doing in this place, my goodness.'

She then saw her brother get out of his skateboard and run alongside the other kid she discovered was called Gon, what do you expect she got assassin ears for pete's sake.

'Aww Kill just found a friend.'

It was the perfect opportunity to approach, so she took it.

"My how peculiar." She spoke in an amused tone

"I mean children in the hunter exam how very out of the ordinary you two are." She said while facing them resulting to her running backwards.

"I'm Shu by the way," She introduce while tipping her baseball cap that perfectly hid her silver hair "-and you two are?"

"I'm Gon and this is Killua, are you here to become a hunter too." The 12 year old blacknette said

"Well yeah, but I'm mostly here to make sure a certain someone becomes a hunter this time," she smiled as she leaned closer to them "you see a friend of mine took the hunter exam last year, but sadly fail so I'm here to make sure he does become a hunter this time." She explained

"Well aren't you a good friend." Killua deadpanned

Gon's eyes shines at the adult and asks "By the way what's that thing on your back onii-san?"

Shu froze.

"Excuse me?"

The child tilted his head "I ask about the thing strapped to your b-"

She shook her head "No I mean what did you just called me?" she asked

"I called you onii-san." Replied Gon

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