Ch 1: Friends with the Derange

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DM: I own nothing except anything that has to do with my OC

English isn't my first language, but swearing is. Well you're here for the fanfiction so let's go.


Shu had their back on that cold chunk of rock called a floor for 10 minutes and 42 seconds already. Safe to say they're not fond of being paralyzed, to them it is worst than being chained you can't escape unless you could over power 'that damn strong ass nen infused serum' as they called it. Moments later Shu felt that tingling sensation on their fingertips they'll surely chuckle once the muscle around her mouth returns to normal.

'Gosh why did this happen.'

Well let's rewind shall we


"--Oi can't you see there's a costumer here." A big muscular man angrily said.

It's another normal slow day on the old shabby tattoo shop. Most shop keepers would be delighted to have a lot of costumers, but with the current shop keeper that's something they'll wish never happen.

"Yeah, yeah choose a design." Shu replied with an uncaring voice almost tempted to do the shoo motion with their hand.

With those words the 'costumer' was trying not to grab the person's wind pipe and attempt to crush it, and Shu knows that, but decided that the new book of Novice Royalty is more important, and just hope for the costumer to be so frustrated, and just get out of the shop.

"Don't you customize? You're supposed to ask me what I want or something." He said trying to suppress the bubbling anger in him.

Having enough of this Shu decided to fold a piece of the page they were reading and do the effort of giving the man some attention he was asking for.

"Fine, what do you want?" Shu said irritation clear in their voice as they faced the man

"Don't you have any skull designs?" He asked


That word stirs bad blood on the silverhead.

"Skulls you say," a small smile found its place on Shu's lips, "let me guess you think skulls look cool and scary so you want to get that kind of tattoo. Thinking you'll look more like a rebel with it on that muscular shoulder of yours. Am I right?"

Shu locked their glowing sapphire orbs at their costumer. "Like all the other fools."

After that the costumer decided he had enough of this damn bastard in front of him, and proceeded to grab their collar and just punch that smile off that pretty pale face. However before he could land a hit, his arms started to turn into petals.

"Men could simply punch girls these days. ♠" A new voice said

The man started to scream bloody murder making Shu roll her blue eyes and continue reading her current obsession.

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