Ch 10: On Fate's Cathedral

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DM: Now I know what y'all are thinking

Yes I do, now y'all would think that the quarantine would make me write more. Wrong cuz at the end of February shit hits the fan. I broke my fucking laptop, the one where I wrote my fucking fanfiction on. Now I know it would take a while to get a replacement cuz I'm too broke to buy a new one, but then a fucking global pandemic came. And not only can I not go out and buy a new one, I can't work to save money to buy a new one! So I got to get creative on how TF I'm going to publish new chapters.

You're here for the bloody fanfiction that took so goddamn long to update. Y'all know how this shit rolls I own jack shit, and if it ain't obvious enough I cuss alot so read at your own risk.



Shu stood on the roof of trick tower as she looked around for her favorite clown. While holding her baseball cap so hard against her head almost wanting it to merge with her skull (because of the wind that wanted to take it from her) her dangling earrings made constant rings caused by the excessive moving (and also the wind that seems to hate her so much right now). Sure she was pissed at him, but she had a job to do right now. And that job is called clownsitting.

When she finally spotted the fuchsia haired jester she wanted to badly question why she isn't even surprise to see him already staring and smirking at her. The silver reaper guessed that's what happens when you hang out with a creepy perverted clown that swings both ways for 4 years. You get used to so many shit that stalking isn't really a problem now. She had to cross her arms, and stare blankly at him before Hisoka decided to walk towards her.

"Where have you been?" She asked

Hisoka just gave her a smile before shrugging his shoulders. To which she raised an eyebrow to.

"I need more than just a shrug clown." She barked with clear annoyance

"You change clothes. ♥" He smiled completely bypassing her last statement

He looked up and down her new get up, the jester swears either she dressed up as a girl or a boy she still looked good. Right now Shu is decked in a black shirt and camouflage pants along with some combat boots, of course she still have her baseball cap to hide her braided snow hair and tainted glasses for her blue eyes. The strap of her duffle bag hangs on one shoulder while her covered claymore hangs on the other one. Hisoka almost wanted to ask if those didn't bother her.

Shu puffed her cheeks and was obviously starting to get angry with him "Don't change the subject."

But the jester brushed it off "Where did you get them? ♣"

"I brought them obviously." Shu then rolled her shades covered eyes

Raising a brow in amusement Hisoka asked "And the boots? ♦"

The tattooist gave a blank stare before looking away "An old man has to apologize," she muttered

"We're even then. ♣"

With furrowed brows she asked "The hell are you talking about?" Shu stared at the jester trying to figure out what in the world is the son of a bitch thinking

"One vague answer for another,♦" he gave her a smirk "that makes us even. ♣"

The tattooist felt a headache coming "I hate you sometimes."

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