Ch 6: Maternal Instincts sticks to a girl

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DM: So sorry darlings I was busy dealing about some things, school is one of them. I unfortunately won't be able to give you a daily update, but I'll try my best. Anyways let's get to the fan fiction.

Swearing is my first language, and Hunter x Hunter is owned by the great Yoshihiro Togashi not me. Believe me if it was there's more death in there than what we already have now.


Playful humming echoed on the walls of the Zoldyck dungeons; this melodic tune came from a 15 year old reaper. Llui skips with glee to one of the many rooms underneath the mansion of the feared assassin family, the door made a loud creak as she opened it.

"Hello Mr. prisoner," She greeted with a chilling smile "are you ready to talk yet?"

A man was chained to the wall, bloodied and bruised he stared at the one responsible for his current state as she slowly remove the jawless skull from her head and carefully place it in the table where her tools are.

"You know you're troublesome." She said as she walked closer to him. Llui then sat next to the man and let her head rest on his shoulder staining her silver hair with blood. The prisoner flinches because of the sudden contact, years before now if someone told him that he'll be tortured by a young child he would've laugh and called them crazy. He's a hunter after all he won't be easily defeated; or so he thought.

"Won't it just be easier if you talk already," she reaches for his head and played with his hair "if you do I don't have to harm you anymore."

This wasn't new she would always do this. It was the thing that he couldn't stand most about her. How she often talked to him as if she hated harming him, he fell for it the first time, she is a child after all they're supposed to be innocent, and Llui is the kind of child you'd think wouldn't hurt a fly.

He would've forgiven her if it wasn't for that wretched smile of hers. He had seen those kinds before and he knew for a fact that this child had accepted that she would bring death to the people that lands on her list, and she obviously regret nothing.

The blue eyed reaper stood up to tower over him, delicate hands rest on the man's cheek.

"Please talk." She said and he whole heartedly obeyed "Go to hell." and he was rewarded with the wicked smile he knew so well. "This is why you're my favorite." She laughed and placed her right hand to his jaw forcing it to open, and then proceed to shove her left hand to his mouth.

The man let out a muffled scream as he felt the corners of his mouth rip. He stared at the young silver head with watery eyes, and questioned how such a small girl be so strong to be able to rip one of his molars out. The man screamed as he felt that painful empty space where his tooth was, unknown to him his cheek is already swelling and bruising while the girl responsible is busy examining his bloody tooth.

"I admire your loyalty." She then turned her attention to him "however," crushing the tooth to powder she gave a chilling smirk "it's useless if it isn't mine."

Her pale slender fingers wrapped around his throat; squeezing it a few times before her grip turned into steel.

'It's a shame Llumi isn't here to see this.'


"What do you have in the jar this time?" Asked Zeno Zoldyck as he watch his granddaughter tighten the lid on the glass jar.

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