Ch 8: Learned it from past Experiences

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DM: I'm so sorry, I didn't expect my new school to hit me harder than a bag of bricks would. Also I had issues with my lungs that I had to take care of (damn thing keeps forgetting how to do its job) but here's the new chapter dears hope you will all enjoy it.

I speak fluent swearing and not English so have mercy on my grammar. I own nothing! This is a fanfiction you all know the drill so let's get this over with.


'Goodness I'm as bad as Hisoka'

Now that Shu had time to think about how she treated the young Kurta she can't help but feel a little bit guilty, and maybe a little idiotic too. She really didn't mean to scare him she wasn't usually the type to scare people. She's more in the "let them trust you" and then kill side of the spectrum. Betrayal is a much sweeter pain to inflict on others is what she believed.

Thinking back the blue-eyed bookworm hadn't played with anyone in a long time so maybe she was just rusty, or she is just spending too much time with Hisoka. Shu swears if it was the latter she'll gladly bury herself six feet under just to avoid him, at least just for a few months or so.

Now she didn't doubt that her favorite clown could find her no problem, but she also knew the power of her voice. After all, not even Hisoka could go against a god's command.

"Well, time to check on the lunatics that I care about." She gave out a sigh and proceeds to explore the chairman's blimp.


Killua was the last one to check on her list of people that won't die in her watch. Well, she would've checked on him first but she didn't doubt the energy of a 12 years old Zoldyck heir so she let him explore before making sure he'll be fine before she retires for the day. Now, of course, she didn't dare think Killua can't take care of himself she's just being overprotective is all. Shu found him easy enough, but what made her eyebrows rise is seeing Netero with the two youngest of this year's Hunter exam.

"Now what are you three talking there?" She asked

"Shu-nii!" Gon beamed "Netero-san invited us to a game. He said if we win he'll give us our Hunter's license." The young green-clad boy happily grinned at her.

Shu narrowed her shades covered eyes at the chairman of the Hunter's association and fought the urge to scoff. She recognized that oh so familiar glint in the old man's eyes anywhere; the same mischievous glint Hisoka would often sport on a daily basis, and more often than she would care to admit is also one of her own. A predator testing how strong its future prey are.

'As if my adorable balls of energy could win in anything against this monster of a nen user.'

Her blue orbs then zeroed on the two young boys, and she couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh as guilt piles itself on her shoulders. She could try to save these children from Netero, however, she's a hundred and ten years too young to even come close to dare oppose him, let alone beating him.

'Poor darlings, even I can't warn them about this tricky old man.'

Shu gave the three of them a forced smile, which is painfully obvious to only two of them while one is blissfully oblivious. They could clearly see her discomfort a mile away as sweat starts to roll down her brows if this continues they fear that she'll break into an uncomfortable mess on the floor.

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