Ch 2: What insane people do

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DM: I own nothing except anything that has to do with my OC

English isn't my first language, but swearing is. Well you're here for the fanfiction so let's go.


Shu walk in what seemed like a barren alleyway, and as all of you might know is a big trouble magnet in all sorts of fanfiction, she knew this of course our heroine is a certified bookworm, and of course joined the fandoms of any book worthy enough to have one (in her opinion). However Shu isn't a damsel in distress she kills people for goodness sake why do you think Hisoka bothered being odd friends with her. Besides she was looking for something here.

"Hey!" she shouted to the fat boy carrying a small electronic device she didn't bother to identify in the dark corner of the alleyway

"Heard you know the password to the exam site well I could get that password myself, but I'm a bit limited with time here. Soooo care to help me, and share." She said as she brushed her hair away from her eyes

When the boy didn't made a move to share his findings Shu gave him a closed eyed smile while tilting her head making her golden dangling hearts earrings give a soft ring as the little hearts made contact with the chain they're dangling on. In contrast to the pleasing small ring her earrings made, and the sweet smile she gave him; the atmosphere around them is quite the opposite.

"I suggest you give me what I want boy before I make stew out of you."


After a quick change of outfit Shu made her way to the steakhouse, well Shu just added a baseball cap to cover her braided snow hair and some shades to hide her azure eyes. Nothing much change from her outfit, but when you're trying to hide; this things are important it's not really appreciated that her eyes and hair color are way too eye catching. She isn't sure what to wear at first after all the exam changes every year so no one could possibly know what to expect so she settled for a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, she also put on her favorite dark blue vest because her uncle gave it to her and she will damn well wear it when she wants to, and some black pants.

With her height and masculine physique it's easy to pass her as a male, the unknown heavy looking thing strapped to her back and her overall behavior just amplify the 'I'm male' façade she had been playing for almost 4 years now.

She told the man in the counter the password and they asked her to proceed to the back room.

"You know what I'll stay here for awhile could you please change my order to parfait."

She said forgetting that she's in a steakhouse.


The black number 13 mocked her on that white circular pin he--it (it's a Bean OK!) so politely asked her to put on her person the moment she got it.

'I should've come here sooner instead of eating.'

The cursed number had been haunting her for years now. This was the unlucky number apparently, the Phantom Trope have 13 members, 13 years on that hated household, 13 suitors, 13 body parts and 13 skulls...

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