Ch 9: Every failed attempts counts

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DM: *gasp Lady Madness has given thee another chapter. On the same day because she is sorry! Lady Madness doesn't claim to own anything and doesn't claim to have English as her first tongue. For Lady Madness first spoke of swearing because too many goddamn people are stupid, and Lady Madness isn't even surprised if thou will die surrounded by them. So do let Lady Madness yeet you to the fanfiction and do enjoy it dearest.


The room was really nice, much nicer than her room at her uncle's it had a king-size bed and a door on the side that she guessed was the bathroom. Shu didn't like it one bit. It was practically screaming at her to run away and never look back.

With anger as clear as day she took off her shades and cap then threw them on the bed along with her weapon; almost hitting her glasses and shattering it. Her braided snow hair fell a few inches short from reaching her shoulders, and she pulled on that said hair. Her frustration was obvious to anyone who saw the young bookworm. If the gritting of her teeth and the hair-pulling didn't give it away then the furious red coloring of her cheeks on her alabaster skin did the trick. Or maybe it was the screaming that came not too long after.

'What the fuck is that damn hag planning!?'


Shu relaxed in a white porcelain tub enjoying her nice little bubble bath, and also her few minutes of peace before her dear friend Isaac Netero decided to move. The thing with that old man and nice things is a bit complicated. Our protagonist still remembers her birthday gift from him when she was 14, how she wishes she never met the guy after that whole fiasco.

She just sighs and mentally prepares herself for whatever torture the chairman was planning. All our tattooist could really do now is that anyways.

"Don't even dare," her almost monotone voice cut through the silence "I'm having a nice me time so move away from the door." Her eyes ever so slightly move to stare at the door.

The young tattooist knew he was coming a mile away, she knew that aura anywhere. Much like how she knew where he was every time they'd play hide and seek all those years ago, she almost chuckled at the memory. She had mastered his aura like it was her very own; after all, she helped create the monster that stood behind the bathroom door.

"What is it your turn to check on me?" Was her amused filled question

Shu waited for any sort of reaction the person from the other side of the wooden door would dare to do. When she only received silence for an answer she decided to stare at her hands as if it was the most interesting thing in the world right now. She didn't think that she would lose track of time for so long, the blue-eyed assassin found her pale hands starting to wrinkle. All she thought to do at that moment was release yet another heavy sigh.

"I'll be out in a minute." Was her only reply before getting out of the bath to dress herself in simple blue shorts and a black oversized shirt. She used a small towel to dry her shoulder-length silver hair.

Upon opening the bathroom door her eyes traveled to the bedside table where her shades and cap sat neatly her 55-inch claymore rest against the wall beside it, obviously not her doing. Her eyes then trailed to the duffle bag in her bed, and of course to the young man sitting beside it.

"You changed back!" She beamed before running to him, once she had reached him her muscular arms instantly found itself wrapped on the person's waist and a mop of silver hair right under his chin.

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