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Hannah and I walked back up to my room in silence, after talking with my dad and Harry for a little while longer. While talking, I learned I can't have contact with anyone, including Hannah. Dad even took my phone to destroy it so no one can track me. Only dad and Harry will be able to see where I am due to the tracker in my arm that dad insisted I get the second I was born.

"How long will you be gone?" Hannah asked sadly.

"I don't know. I guess until this all ends and I'm not in danger anymore." I replied.

"But how am I supposed to survive without you? I can't even text you! All of this mafia shit is a pain in the ass. I'm sick of it." She yelled.

"Hannah, be quiet. No cussing around my dad. If he hears you'll be in so much trouble." I warned.

"Whoops. Sorry. But seriously, this is getting old. I don't like things that interfere with me and my Kate. You know that." She stated.

"I know, same here. But we have to do what's best for my safety so that there actually will be some Kate left for you to have." I reasoned with her. She nodded her head, sighing quite dramatically.

That night, she stayed over, and we planned to stay up all night no matter what. Dad had said I had a long plane ride to wherever I was headed, so I decided to sleep then, not now. I needed to spend as much time as I could with my best friend until I was ripped away from reality and hiding out with a really cute British guy. Minus the best friend part, and the fact I was being hunted down as Hannah and I stuffed our faces with candy, this wasn't all that bad.

All of a sudden, the window beside my closet shattered, and a bullet barely missed my head and slammed through the wall into my bathroom. Hannah and I both screamed. We quickly jumped off the bed and around to the side away from the window. Whoever was shooting knew we were still there. Not three seconds later, Harry barged into my room, gun loaded and aimed at anything and everything.

"Stay down girls!" He spoke urgently. We complied and curled towards each other, hearts beating erratically.

Soon, Harry came around to us and helped us up.

"Whoever that was, they got away. But not before I put a bullet in their leg." Harry boasted. I was just glad the person was gone.

"Are either one of you injured?" He worried.

Hannah and I both shook our heads, but the stinging in my shoulder said otherwise. I hissed in pain as Harry lifted my tee shirt sleeve to reveal a slash in my upper arm that was bleeding profusely. How did I not notice that.

"Oh my god Kate! He got you!" Hannah exclaimed.

"It's not too bad," I said, "just a scratch."

Harry shook his head in agreement. "She's right, with a tight bandage and some creme, it should heal within the month. Do you have any gauze in your bathroom?" He asked.

I nodded. The pain was increasing rapidly, and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.

"Alright, come on. Hannah, go across the hall to the interior room and stay there please. Contact Mr. S and tell him what has happened. His door automatically locks so no one can enter in an emergency." Harry said.

Hannah did as she was told, and I followed Harry to my bathroom. He gathered the necessary supplies to clean my shoulder, and got right to work.

"This is really going to sting." He warned. He rubbed the antibacterial wipe along the gash and I hissed in pain.

"Sorry, love." He murmured.

He continued to doctor my wound as I sat silently on the counter. After he finished, he walked me to a different room from Hannah's.

"Wait, why can't I stay with Hannah?" I asked.

"By staying close to her, you would be putting her life in jeopardy as well, and I know you don't want her to get hurt." He replied.

I nodded in agreement, but I was upset I couldn't stay with Hannah the rest of the night.

Harry walked me into my new room, and let me change my pajamas in the bathroom. As I was climbing into bed, he stood next to the foot of the bed, and he seemed to be debating something in his mind. What he did next caught me by complete and utter surprise.

He walked over and kissed my cheek.

It was a simple gesture, but I still felt my cheeks get warm from the minimal contact.

He then gave a swift goodnight and hurried out of the room, not looking back.

As you could guess, I got no sleep that night.

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