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im starting this with an a/n ive got writers block so my minds all shitty rn so

but yeah i had over 500 reads but wattpad must be screwed up (yet again lol) so im just under 500 ): but thanks for being awesome guyses

ok now read if you want


Gunshots. That's all I could hear. And maybe grenades. But something was strange.

None of that was in the house. The commotion was outside in the yard.

Harry pulled away from our kiss, much to my disappointment yet understanding, and pulled out his gun.

"Kate, crawl back upstairs and go into your closet. There's a hole in the bottom for you to hide in." He half shouted over the commotion.

"Hell no!" I rolled my eyes, and pulled a gun out of the waistband of my pajamas.

"Kate, no." He argued, becoming restless with the amount of gunshots outside.

"Kate, yes." I retaliated with a smirk. His gazed hardened and he huffed in annoyance.

"Fine, but stay inside. Shoot anyone that comes in, besides me of course." He pleads.

Rolling my eyes, I complied with a simple, "Aye aye captain".

Harry smiled, took the safety off of his gun, and slowly opened the door.

Right as the door was barely open, a bullet flew through it. We both looked at each other wide-eyed, knowing that whoever was out there knew we were in there.

I held my gun tighter, and glanced behind me to make sure there wasn't someone at the window.

Harry walked out, but not before he kissed my head, whispering "Don't worry, I'll be right back."

I was at a loss for words, so I just nodded.

Right as he left the house, his gun started to fire like crazy. As I peeked around the door, I could see men dropping like flies, and the ones that weren't hit ran away in terror.

After they were all dead or gone, Harry stayed where he was. From where I was standing, I could see his hands trembling, the gun almost fell from his grasp.

"Harry...?" I asked cautiosly. He lowered the gun, slowly turning around, his eyes wide.

We both slowly looked down at the same time, stopping at his thigh.

Blood. Blood everywhere.

As I shrieked, a gasp escaped his lips and he stumbled, his back hitting the wall. I ran over to him, his eyes having trouble staying open.

"Harry, don't you dare. You keep your eyes open, damn it." I cursed. I could tell he was fighting to stay concious, but it was a fight he would lose if I didn't get help.

"Niall," Harry whispered, "is a doctor that lives not even ten minutes from here. His number is on my desk. He works for your dad. Go, hurry."

I didn't hesitate to jump up and run to the living room and over to his desk, scanning it for the number.

Snatching the paper and the phone, I dialed as fast as I could with my shaking hands.

"Come on, come on, please pick up." I pleaded as the phone rang and rang.

"Hello?" Came an Irish accent from the reciever.

"Hi Niall, this is Kate, your bosses daughter. I'm not sure where I am, but Harry has a bullet in his leg and he's barely concious. Please help me, please." I spilled into the phone, tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh, Kate, I'll be right there." He said, and hung up. I threw the phone and paper back on the desk and rushed back to Harry's side.

"Harry, please, keep your eyes open, please." I cried.

"Kate, i-is Niall, coming?" He whispered.

"Yeah, he's coming. He'll fix this and make you all better. Everything will be okay. I promise." I cried, reassuring him, but mainly trying to reassure myself. If Niall worked for my dad, then he knew how to handle any situation.

"Hell no!" Came a voice, with a thick Irish accent, from outside, followed by a gunshot. Shortly after, a blonde haired guy with dazzling blue eyes walked in through the opened front door.

"If this were different," he started, "I would shake your hand and introduce myself properly, but considering there's a dying man on the floor, that'll have to wait."

I appreciated him trying to calm my nerves, but nothing was going to help when Harry was laying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood, slowly losing conciousness. Niall picked Harry up and carried him to the kitchen and layed him on the table.

"Kate, I need you to stand by him and talk to him so he hopefully won't fall asleep. He's lost a scary amount of blood, so if he falls asleep, it probably won't end well." Niall explained.

I nodded in understanding, and moved next to Harry.

"Hey." I said softly. He smiled weakly at me, his eyes hooded.

"Hey babe." He whispered. I smiled back at him.

"Hey Harry. You got hit in the leg, and I'm not goin' to lie, it looks pretty serious. But, I should be able to get the bullet, clean this thing up, and get a bandage on here with ease." Niall explained.

I grabbed Harry's hand, sqeezing it in reassurnce. "See, told you. Everything will be alright." I told him.

All he did was look at me, a far off loook in his eye.

"Harry?" I asked. "Harry, keep talking to me. Please." I begged, getting worried.

"Babe, I'm fine,' he said, "just really tired is all." No, this is not good.

"Okay, but you can't fall asleep, alright?" I asked. He nodded in response.

"Alright, I can see the bullet, but it's going to hurt like hell to get it out. I'm goign to apologize in advance." Niall said from the other side of the table.

As Niall worked on his leg, I continued to ask Harry questions to keep him alert, sometimes only getting a groan of pain in response.

30 minutes later, a bandage was placed around his leg, and we were on the way to the airport to yet again relocate to another secret location.

I was nervous to see what would happen this time.


yoyoyo my homies yeah idk about that chapter... i guess i kinda like it... idk


but yeah im going to try to update either sunday or monday

ive been out of school all week for snow (woop) so ive been lazy, but when school starts back up on monday, i should be updating more frequently

but thanks for reading guyses!!

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