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"Kate, come in here please," my dad yelled from down the hall.

Following the direction his voice came from, I found him sitting in his conference room, looking out at the gardens in the back.

Oh, I guess I forgot to mention: My dad happens to be the leader of the Gold Ring Mafia. You've probably never heard of them, and they like to keep it that way.

"Yeah dad?" I asked. He turned around with a serious look on his face. The last time I saw him like this was when my mother was killed by the Shaydin Mafia.

"I'm not going to sugar coat any of this," he started, "because this is extremely serious." They way he fidgeted with his fingers backed up everything he said.

"Kate, you know how my job puts me and you in a lot of danger right?" He was still fidgeting.

"Yeah... Dad what's going on?" I could feel my heartbeat accelerating.

"Sweetie," he hesitantly spoke, "Well, the Shaydin Mafia, after years of silence, they're back."

I was completely stunned. "But you defeated them once, you can do it again, right?" I was starting to panic.

"Well, I'm not so sure. Like I said, they're back. But there is one thing we weren't prepared for: they are stronger than they've ever been."

And that's when I knew I was in serious danger.

"So, you're saying they're hunting me down at this very moment, and if they catch me, I'll end up like mom and-"

"Kate stop. I lost my wife to them, but I will make sure they don't lay a finger on you." His voice got softer and softer as he spoke. "And I know that you are probably wanting to ask 'What about you?', but you can't worry about me. I have the building surrounded by guards."

"So I'm locked in this mansion like Rapunzel?" I asked.

"No," he said, "you will be relocated to a secret location where it will take a miracle for anyone to find you."

"So I'll be locked in another house by myself like Rapunzel, then." I asked, but not without the usual sass seeping through.

"No, my best guard will be traveling and staying with you. He is the most experienced guard, and he has specific orders from me, so do what he says, alright? I can't lose you because your stubbornness got in the way." He ordered, somewhat like a drill sergeant.

"Okay, I understand dad. So, who is this guard that I'm supposed to be living with for a while?" I asked.

"Oh, right. I'll call him in." He pressed the intercom button that transmitted throughout the entire mansion. "Harry, please come to the upstairs conference room immediately. Thank you."

Not even 30 seconds later, a tall young man with long, curly, chestnut brown hair walked into the room. My eyes were immediately drawn to his emerald green eyes that seemed to never end.

"You asked to see me, sir?"

Holy shit. British accent alert. I'm practically melting to the floor.

"Yes, Harry. I'd like you to meet my daughter, Kate. Kate, this is Harry, my most experienced guard I have. Harry here will be staying with you for a while in your new location."

I took a quick glance back at my father, making sure this wasn't some evil trick, putting me with this attractive guy. But my father's face was completely serious.

Harry walked over to me and stretched out his hand to shake. "Hi Kate, nice to finally meet you. Your father has told me so much about you."

I reached out and slid my hand into his. They were so soft and warm. I gave him a small smile.

"Hey Harry. My dad actually hasn't told me anything about you, or anyone that works for him."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I wanted to pull them back in. I should have known that I would eventually embarrass myself, so I should have just kept my mouth shut. A furious blush rose to my cheeks, and he definitely noticed, judging by the smile and laugh he was failing at hiding.

"Well, then let's go get to know one another while you start packing everything. We leave tomorrow morning at 8:00 sharp, so let's get to work." He suggested.

"But you said you already know about me." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but you know nothing about me." He retaliated.

And I eventually found out how true that statement really was.


hey guyses to the right is a picture of what Kate looks like ok bye loves youuu

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