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this picture made me pee myself ok continue


I woke up to a furious pounding on my door and a very angry Harry on the other side.

"Kate, I swear to God, if you don't get your ass up right now, I will break down this door and dump ice water on you." He threatened.

With a reluctant groan, I dragged myself out of bed and opened the door to a fuming brunette.

"What could you possibly want at this ungodly hour?" I mumbled as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

"I want you to get ready to catch a plane in 30 minutes! You know, unless you want to stay here and be killed within the next day." He said.

My eyes widened. I had completely forgot that we had a plane to catch. I muttered a quick apology and slammed the door, locking it, and rushed around to try to make my appearance acceptable.

"You have 15 minutes!" Harry shouted from the other side of my door.


14 minutes later, I was at the bottom of the stair with all of my belongings, ready to go. But, no Harry in sight. I smirked, knowing it was well past 15 minutes.

He walked quickly down the hall with his luggage rolling behind him.

"Okay, Kate, let's go get in the--"

"Whoa there, hang on, is Mr.FifteenMinutes late?" I interrupted.

"Geez Kate we don't have time for your sass, so get in the damn car before I carry you there." He groaned.

"Actually, I'm still tired. Could I take you up on that offer?" I joked.

He said nothing, just walked past me with an annoyed groan, but he failed at hiding the amused smile on his face.


We missed our slot for the private jet, so Harry had to use his laptop to purchase tickets for a public flight.

"How much longer?" Harry whined.

"Harry, please stop asking that every five minutes. It's been half an hour. We have two and a half more hours till our flight." I explained for the nth time.

Harry just sat in his seat and pouted until our flight was called.


"Harry, I'm hungry." I whined.

"Me too, babe. I'll get us some lunch." He offered. I nodded my head, pleased by the idea of lunch.

Not even eight minutes later, a flight attendant came down the row towards us with two plates. I was all smiles until she sat the food down in front of me.

"Uh, ma'am? What exactly is this?" I asked, referring to the lump of grey on the plate.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably mashed potatoes if I had to guess." She shrugged.

Harry and I looked at each other in horror, not daring to touch the mystery substance in front of us.

"I'm suddenly not that hungry." I concluded. Harry nodded his head in agreement, both of us shoving the plates away from us in disgust.

I ended up falling asleep halfway through the flight to God knows where, and was woken up by the captain coming over the speakers, telling us that we had started to descend.

I let out an obnoxious yawn and stretched. Man, those seats were uncomfortable.

I glanced over at Harry, who was asleep with his head against the window. I stifled a giggle and poked his cheek.

"Psst, Harryyy. It's time to wake up." I sang.

All I got out of him was incoherent mumbling. Time for plan B.

I dug my fingers into his side, which caused him to jump up and squeal. The entire plane turned to look at him, and he sank back down into his seat, extremely embarrassed.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Payback is a bitch. You've been warned."

My eyes widened in fear, because I had no idea what he was capable of.

He leaned back into his seat with a cocky grin on his face, trying not to laugh.


Where the hell are we? Clouds covered the sky, and a light drizzle was coming down.

For some reason, Harry had the biggest grin on his face, and the two dimples on his cheeks deepened.

"Harry..." I started cautiously, "why are you smiling like an idiot?"

"Because, we're in England!" He practically shouted.

For a moment, I was confused as to why this was such a great thing, but then I realized: This is where Harry grew up.

I looked over to him, and he was just looking at everything, his smile growing bigger and bigger.

Outside of the airport, there was a driver waiting for us that worked for my dad. We threw our luggage in the trunk and climbed into the back seat.

Harry whispered something in the driver's ear, and the man nodded in conformation. I sent him a questioning look, but he just brushed it off.

"Kate, we need to go see the city." Harry said. I nodded in agreement, seeing the London Eye on the other side of the Thames River.

Harry saw my eyes widen when we came closer to the famous wheel.

It was huge.

It was so much taller than I thought.

"First stop, the London Eye." Harry smiled.

"No way, really?!" I asked excitedly.

He laughed at my excitement and nodded. We pulled up in front of the monument and walked to get in line. When it was our turn to pay and enter the cab, Harry stopped to ask a question.

"Can it just be us two in this cab, please?" He asked.

"Sure, son!" The man said cheerfully. We thanked him and climbed in.

The ride was slow, but at the top it was worth it. There was a perfect view of Big Ben across the Thames, along with the connected Parliament building. Harry just chuckled at my reaction to everything.

After we were back on solid ground, we walked back towards our car.

"Oh my gosh, Harry, that was so cool! Thank you thank you thank you thank-" Harry interrupted me by placing his hand over my mouth.

"Please. Stop." He laughed. Tired of his hand over my mouth, I licked his palm, causing him to let out a girlish squeal.

"Ew, germs!" He shrieked. All the while, I was doubled over in laughter, clutching my sides. He gave me a shove, rolling his eyes.

"You suck ass." Harry said.

"Never said I didn't." I sassed back. He just chuckled and opened the car door for me.

"M'lady." He said in his most posh accent.

"Why, thank you kind sir." I replied in the same voice. We just laughed and slid in.

We were both exhausted after our eventful day, and Harry ended up asleep on the way home, leaving me to my thoughts.

The most prominent thought that was in my mind was: Why can't it always be like this? We had fun together, but we weren't in any danger.

Or so I thought.

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