30 1 0

"Kate, love, wake up." A British accent whispered.

"Mmm... let me sleep, curly." I mumbled. He let out a chuckle, probably from the use of his newly acquired nickname.

"We're here!" Niall shouted.

Well that's one way to wake a girl up.

I slowly sat up, awkwardly stretching my limbs in the cramped car. Harry helped me out, and we walked towards the hotel.

Wait, hotel?

"Why are we staying here?" I asked.

"Well, they wouldn't think to look for us in a hotel, so we should be okay for now. Your father owns a share of this company, so the staff will not share our whereabouts to anyone." Niall explained.

I nodded my head in understanding, allowing my mind to wander.

"Hey, they have a pool on the roof, and I may or may not have stopped on the way here to buy us all bathing suits." Harry smirked.

"Swimming!" Niall cheered, jumping around like a three year old. I swear that boy is going to get injured if he doesn't calm down.

"Okay, sounds good to me!" I replied. Then I realized: Harry bought my bathing suit. Who knows what level of fashion sense he has.

We got up to the room, where there was two beds, a bathroom, a pull out couch, and a TV. I walked over to one of the beds and put my bags on it, claiming it as mine.

Harry and Niall walked in behind me, Niall allowing Harry to have the other bed.

"Your leg is still healing, so you need something more comfortable." He said. After we were all settled in and had gone to the vending machines in the lobby for snacks, it was blazing hot outside. June in this country was not nice.

"Well, there's a pool on the roof, waiting for us, so let's get ready!" Niall commanded.

We took turns going into the bathroom to change, and I was last. I pulled out the suit that Harry picked and gaped at it. It was perfect. The neon green top fit perfectly, along with the solid black bottoms.

I pulled on a romper and put my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my sunglasses and flip-flops, and opened the door.

"Finally," Niall groaned, "Let's go."

We all walked to the stairs that led to the roof, and as soon as the doors were opened, we were met with a blast of hot air.

"Shit, the handle is burning hot." Niall cursed. Harry and I just laughed at him as he pouted.

Luckily, we were the only ones at the pool. We couldn't have random strangers telling people they saw us.

We threw our towels down on the chairs and the boys took off their shirts.


While their attention was occupied with testing the water temperature, I threw off my sunglasses, romper, and flip-flops, taking my hair down.

I turned around at the same time the boys did, and I got a reaction I was not expecting.

"Whoa, Kate, lookin' good." Niall smirked.

"Thanks Horan." I replied.

All the while, Harry stood there, eyes raking up and down my body shamelessly. Only to be interrupted by a swift elbow to the ribs, courtesy of Niall.

"Oh, uh, um..." Harry babbled, "...wow Kate, you look... beautiful." Harry said.

I blushed, mumbling a thank you, and looking at my feet. Next thing I knew, I had two arms snaking around my thighs, lifting me over their shoulder.

"Niall, put me down!" I screeched, laughing.

"No can do." He responded.

I froze as soon as I realized where I was headed: the pool.

"No, Niall, stop!" I begged, still laughing.

"Never!" He yelled.

"Harry save me!" I pleaded. He was standing on the other side of the pool, holding his sides from laughing.

Hearing my plea for help, he started chasing Niall around the pool in circles. Niall stopped at the edge and was preparing to throw me in.

I was laughing and screaming, along with Niall, and Harry was shouting "I'll save you!" It was honestly the most fun I'd had in a while. But it only took one misstep for all of that to stop.

Harry's foot slipped on the concrete, sending him crashing into Niall, who was in the middle of throwing me into the deep end. We all fell in, but I had slammed my head on the edge of the pool, knocking me unconscious.

When the boys resurfaced, they were laughing, until they noticed that only they had come up, and I was still underwater, unmoving.

"Oh my God! Kate!" Harry shouted, immediately diving under towards me. He grabbed me around the waist, pulling me to the surface and out of the pool.

"Shit shit shit shit!" Harry repeated, not knowing what to do. Niall ran up, and pushed Harry out of the way, beginning CPR. After 15 minutes of continuous pumping, I suddenly gasped, sitting up and emptying the contents of my stomach everywhere.

"Oh my God, Kate, I'm so sorry!" Niall said. "I guess I dropped you too close to the edge and you hit your head, I'm sorry!"

"Niall," I started, still breathing heavy, "it's okay, I'm alright now." I reassured.

Harry ran over once he heard my voice, scooping me up into his arms.

"Please, Kate, don't scare me like that again. I thought I lost you." He said, his voice cracking at the end. When I looked up at his face, I saw tears in his eyes, one slowly sliding down his face.

I reached up, wiping the tear away. "You can't get rid of me that easily, curly."

"Fine by me. Let's get you to the hospital, your head hit the wall pretty hard, so you might need stitches." Harry said. I nodded, and he carried me to the room so that we could change.


At the hospital, the doctor came in, looked at my head, and told me I wouldn't need stitches. He gave me some pills to take for the pain, and said I could go home.

But as I was leaving, an ambulance raced into the port next to the front doors.

That's not what caught my attention, though. Oh no.

What I saw made my heart stop. I knew that person that was on the stretcher.




plot twist

im actually rather pleased with this chapter, go me

goal: 8 votes 10 comments

bet you cant do it (reverse psychology always works)

thanks for reading guyses love you!

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