v day special #1 - the moms

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a/n - heya this is the first valentine's day special! they aren't gonna be as long as my usual chapters since i'm grinding them out and doing a bunch :)

they are NOT canon aka do not influence the main storyline, which has the chapter number then title in the official chapter title

(y/n)'s pov

waking up, my head was pounding and my body felt like lead. the sunlight shone through my window, irritating my eyes and making the dull pain in my head throb even worse. i groaned as i forced myself up and out of bed, having to head to school in an hour or so.

i changed, as usual, and slowly forced my way through my morning routine to get ready for the day. time passed by quicker than it usually did, not allowing me enough time to actually make anything for breakfast since i had to start heading over to school.

slinging my backpack onto my back and grabbing my umbrella, i yawned as i walked out of my front door and started walking toward the school.

the day went as usual, teachers lecturing us and taking notes and boring subjects throughout. but today i felt extra... off.

i couldn't really focus on what the teachers were saying, my head hurting too much to allow me to pay attention.

at one point, the room felt extra cold, causing me to shiver and pull my jacket closer to my body to try and feel a bit better.

shaking my head, i tried to listen to the teacher's lesson, but continued to fail. i went on auto pilot throughout the day, only breaking from my daze when the final bell rang, the high pitched shrill piercing into my skull.

with a sigh, i dragged myself over to the gym, rubbing my temples and leaning against the wall as i waited for the entire team to come.

kiyoko was the first to notice my lack of energy, "(y/n)? are you okay? you look a bit sick right now..."

i waved my hand to dismiss the idea, "ah, i'm fine kiyoko! just a bit off today."

the other third years soon came over, all three seniors looking closer at my physical state. "she's right, (y/n)... do you want to leave practice early?" the captain asked, obviously worried about me.

"no, no! you guys have to practice, and i should be here to help!" i protested, declining his request and doing my best to look better than i felt at the moment.

suga shook his head and placed the back of his hand against my forehead, "woah, have you been like this all day? you're burning up! you should be at home and resting instead of at school!"

i shrugged, "kinda? since i woke up, i've been a bit... tired i guess. but it's fine! i'll stay for practice and help y--"

"bup bup bup bup! no you're not! daichi, can i bring her home and make sure that she gets some rest for today?" the grey haired setter interrupted me and addressed the captain, who nodded in response.

blinking at them both, i tried to protest once more, "huh? no! i--"

before i could even finish my thought, suga grabbed my arm and started leading me out of the gym. he ignored my complaints as he got his things out of the club room and we left the school. "okay. lead the way (y/n), we're going to your house."

pouting slightly, i sighed and reluctantly started walking toward the cloud estate, knowing that he wouldn't let me refuse him any longer. "its a kinda big place, but its home."

we continued on the sidewalk as the third year decided to question me on my health and any symptoms that i had. "what did you eat today?"

my brain completely blanked, trying to remember anything that i had done a few hours ago. "uhhh... no? maybe? wait... i don't think i did because i didn't have any time in the morning..."

he crossed his arms, "that's an issue. once we get there, i'm gonna make some food for you and you're gonna rest for the rest of the day!"

i lazily grinned, "okay, okay. sure, whatever you want, suga."

he smiled at me as we entered the estate, heading into the living room area and dropping off our stuff on the coffee table by the couch. "its really nice, (y/n)! okay! where's the kitchen?"

i gestured toward the room he asked for before crashing onto the couch and lying down. my arm covered my eyes as i tiredly waited to see what he was going to get or make me.

sugawara's pov

walking toward the kitchen, i was deciding what i should make (y/n). a warm soup would be pretty good for a sick person... oh! or i could make some ramen? or what about some tea and--

"oh? sugawara san?"

my head shot up toward the slightly familiar voice that came from the inside of the kitchen, seeing one of (y/n)'s friends that was with her during the tokyo training camp. "kamado kun? what are you doing here?"

the burgundy haired boy took a sip of his water as he replied, "i had this weird feeling to be honest, so i came to check up on (y/n). i thought you guys still had practice right now though?"

i went further into the kitchen, "oh, we do! actually, i'm here because (y/n) has had a fever the entire day, but didn't want to come home. daichi let me bring her, she's lying down on the couch right now." tanjiro nodded in response as i continued, "actually, do you want to help me make something for her to eat?"

he nodded again and smiled, "sure! oh, we can make some chicken soup for her! i know she has everything, so it shouldn't be too hard to make it."

"perfect! do you know where the tools and containers are?"

(y/n)'s pov

sometime during my wait, i apparently fell asleep on the couch, now being woken up by two boys at the same time. i opened up an eye, seeing sugawara and tanjiro looking at me and the former holding a bowl in his hands.

i sat up and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, "what's up?"

the grey haired teen handed me the bowl, filled with warm and good smelling chicken soup with a spoon as well. "chicken soup! tanjiro and i made it with love, so eat it so that you can get better quickly!"

tanjiro looked at me as i started eating the soup, "you've been overworking yourself, right (y/n)?"

awkwardly, i laughed and grinned at the two boys, "haha, uhmmm... maybe?" my eyes drifted between the two caring boys as i continued to eat.

they shared a look before sighing and tanjiro placed his hand on my head, "i know its all time consuming but your health is more important than everything else!"

sugawara continued on his speech, "plus, you can't just skip meals! even if you don't have time, bring something small to eat like a protein bar!"

i smiled at the two with a warm feeling in my chest, "yes sir! thank you both for taking care of me..."

"of course (y/n)!"

"we all care a lot about you!!"

word count - 1238
a/n - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa one down let's goooo ok we vibing

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