9 - tokyo!

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(y/n)'s pov

the sun was starting to come up as i watched from the edge of the forest. i flicked my sword to the side, getting rid of any residual blood from the night. "kenji." the crow came over to my arm once i called him, "are we done for today?"

i started to walk toward my house, following the usual path i had learned to take so i wouldn't get lost, "all done! tomioka san is waiting for you at your estate!"

"hmm... we shouldn't keep him waiting then, huh?" smirking, i started sprinting back, kenji jumping off and flying beside me in the air.

once i spotted the half and half haori standing by the front door, i jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. his arms caught my waist as i let out a laugh into the cold morning air. "good morning (y/n)."

pulling back so i could see his face, i smiled, "good morning giyuu! do you want some food before i have to go?"

he brought up a hand and wiped my cheek, a small blush forming on his face, "you should clean up first." then, the water pillar noticed a gash on my upper right arm, quickly noticing how bad it was, "let's fix this first. any other injuries?"

pouting, i let go of him and led him into the estate, toward my 'medical' room that i had set up. "no. one of the lower moons just caught me off guard for a moment, but i got them!"

i grabbed some cleaning materials and pulled out some wrappings, and he started to dress my wound, "a lower moon? in miyagi?" seeing my nod, a frown appeared on his face, "that's not good... remember you can call one of us if you need help dealing with your patrols."

"but you all have your own patrols and missions! i'll be fine giyuu~ i'm not the cloud pillar for no reason, right?" grinning at the ravenette, his expression lightened up and he ruffled my hair.

getting up, i changed into one of my clean uniforms and headed to the kitchen. the other hashira sat at one of my tables as i started cooking, and i asked my maid to sew up and clean my black and white haori.

i finally finished and brought the plate to the table, "tada! simmered salmon and daikon for my favorite water pillar!"

his eyes lit up and he started eating, a soft expression on his face as he ate.


time skip brought to you by baki baki ni ore~💘

after chatting with the pillar for awhile, i suddenly realized why he was here. "oh shoot! the team is already on their way to tokyo!"

i jumped up and started to gather some of my things when i realized another option instead of running there to get there on time. the ravenette noticed my pause, "do you have an idea?"

getting my things more slowly now, i smiled, "yeah! there's two boys who have supplemental lessons who are getting to the camp later because of that. i'll just go with them!"

we stepped outside and a weight was suddenly on my shoulders, "i'll walk you there. and you can use my haori, it's colder in tokyo."

slipping my arms into the covering, i beamed at the hashira, "thanks giyuu! i'll take care of tokyo, and the haori for you!"

time skip brought to you by muzan going hEE heE💘

i was leaning against the school, waiting for the two first years to finish up. my hand fiddled with my bracelet on my wrist, when an orange and blue blur popped out of the doors. "hey boys!" i cheerfully chirped, causing kageyama to stop and hinata to crash into his back.

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