1 - sidewalk

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(y/n)'s pov

"you ready to go, (y/n)?" the burgundy haired boy asked me from outside the room.

i was looking around the room to make sure i had everything, "just one more second, jiro!" my gaze landed upon my figure in the mirror for a moment, wearing the normal demon slayer uniform for girls which had a slightly longer skirt that muichiro helped me get. i slipped on my black and white patterned haori (pattern in the banner!) and grabbed my 'umbrella'.

due to the nature of some of our missions, oyakata sama convinced us to get disguised swords for missions to stay undercover. i had grown to love my black umbrella sword.

some other slayers, such as tanjiro, preferred their normal swords and just wrapped them up during the daytime.

popping out of the room, i joined the boy in the green and black haori. "let's go."

"come on nezuko!" he held open the box for his endearing little sister who shrunk and crawled into the box. before he closed it up, i gave the girl a soft pat on the head, and she gave me a bubbly smile from within. the boy turned back to me, "where are you stationed again?"

"miyagi. we should get there around seven if we leave now."

time skip brought to you by rengoku's UMAI/TASTY💘

as we walked, i held my umbrella to shade myself from the sun. hey, it's a two in one tool, why not use it? the sun was peeking through the clouds, something i was not very fond of. if there are clouds, why not block the sun?

nonetheless, we chatted as we walked through the countryside town to get to our destination. the sun was falling in the sky, creating a reddish hue reflected upon the clouds.

but something seemed... off...

not just about the town, but also where we were.

"... hey jiro," i broke the comfortable silence and he hummed in response. "... where are we?"

we kept walking despite the confusion, a moment of silence between us until the burgundy boy started laughing. "(y-y/n)! i was following you!! i thought you'd know where to go!!"

a small smile formed on my face, "and i thought you knew about my poor sense of direction." i twirled the umbrella in my hand and looked up toward the sky, "kenji!"

my black crow flew down to my awaiting hand, landing carefully and sitting in my sleeve. "yes (y/n) san?"

i gave the bird a light ruffle of his feathers, "we're lost."

the bird got angry. "again?!?!? i still don't know why oyakata sama decided to make you a hashira...."

"yes, yes. but do you know where to go then?" i asked the bird, used to his usual scolding for my poor sense of direction. tanjiro watched the crow berate me, a grin on his face from the regular scene.

kenji hesitated to reply though, "u-uh, i do not entirely know where to go."

lifting my arm up to my head level, i teasingly looked at the bird, "and you're the one who's reprimanding me?" kenji jumped a bit to the side, landing on my shoulder to avoid my gaze.

i looked over to see tanjiro trying to hold in his laughter, and i gave him a daft elbow to the ribs. since i was stronger than him, he groaned and i smirked a bit. "there's a group of two people up ahead! you can ask them for directions..." the crow informed me, his tone falling as he felt defeated.

walking slightly ahead of the boy in pain, i approached the figures in the distance. tanjiro caught up, and i snickered while watching him hold his side slightly.

the group of two had multiplied to four.

two boys wearing red tracksuits, and two boys in white tshirts and black shorts.

one of the boys in red had black hair that was oddly styled in his head, maybe a bad bed head? the other boy in red was shorter than the former but had piercing yellow eyes and dyed blond hair that framed his face.

grey hair and warm eyes adorned one of the boys in the white tshirts, who also had a mole by his left eye. the final boy was shorter than the rest, but had a bright aura of energy and bright orange hair that matched him well.

i interrupted their conversation, "excuse me?" they all turned to face me and tanjiro.

third person pov

the girl twirled the black sword umbrella in her hand, tilting her head as she faced the boys. they turned to her and their eyes widened upon the sight.

her (hair color) hair was almost perfectly flowing in the slight breeze, gorgeous eyes meeting their own, and the sunset behind her perfectly lit her figure to add almost an angelic feeling to her.

the only strange thing was... is that a bird on her shoulder?

they wouldn't dare ask though.

she continued, "would one of you be able to point me in the direction of (insert random street name)? we happen to be new around here, and got lost."

sugawara, being the angel he is, went on full autopilot mode. his mind blanked out as he directed the girl toward the street she was looking for, and a light tint of pink dusted his cheeks.

the burgundy haired boy beside her caught their attention, "thank you! let's get going (y/n)!" he bowed to the boys, and they were shocked that they hadn't noticed him before.

was he always next to her?

kuroo acted before he thought, grabbing her wrist and plastering on his classic smirk, "wait! c-could i get your number before you leave?"

... did he just stutter?

kenma was shocked to hear his childhood friend stutter, unintentionally laughing slightly and gaining the attention of the mysterious girl. he hid his face in his hair and felt his face get hot.

the girl glanced closer at the group, finding karasuno and nekoma on their clothing. she faced the captain and lightly removed his hand from her wrist, "sorry. i don't give out my number to strangers." before leaving with tanjiro, she turned to address the two karasuno boys. "i'll see you two around."

once she was gone, the four boys slowly regained their senses. "she'll see us around?? what does that mean??" hinata was bouncing slightly and looked up at the third year setter.

the grey haired boy wasn't sure, "maybe she lives around here. let's go before daichi gets mad at us hinata!"

meanwhile, the captain of nekoma was currently sulking because he didn't get her number. kenma ignored him, "see you later shoyo."

in return, the orange boy gave the setter a broad smile, "bye kenma!!"

(y/n)'s pov

leaving with tanjiro, we headed in the direction that the grey haired boy told us. we finally reached our destination, a rather large house with a few wisteria trees around it.

a maid came out of the house and greeted us, "welcome, cloud hashira (l/n) (y/n) and kamado tanjiro. please enjoy your stay at your new cloud estate."

i smiled at the bowing maid and lifted her up to stop bowing, "just (y/n) is fine. i'm not one for formalities, and i'll be seeing you often."

she nodded and then guided us inside, "tomorrow, your mission begins."

closing my umbrella, i turned to tanjiro and quietly muttered to him, "you can let nezuko out, i think it's dark enough. how long are you staying?"

he placed down the box and the girl crawled out, "i have to leave tonight for a mission."

"thanks for escorting me, jiro."

a slight pink filled his cheeks, "no problem (y/n)!"

word count - 1298
a/n - heyyyy just so you know, i might mess with the timeline of events in this!!! and ages of our lovely characters~ and our lovely (y/n) is the newly appointed cloud hashira! more information will be revealed later on hehe like and comment!!!

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