v day special # 2 - samurai

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a/n - this mini special takes place after (y/n) explains everything to the haikyuu boys! let's get into itttt

also uh i have more planned but today i ended up being really busy,,, do y'all want the rest or just to get into the main story

(y/n)'s pov

practice for the day had finally come to an end, coach ukai and takeda sensei leaving for the day and telling us to clean up before locking the gym.

somehow, the team ended up hanging out in the gym before leaving as i spun my umbrella inbetween my hands. ennoshita noticed and asked a quick question, "hey (y/n)? is there a reason you always have that umbrella with you?"

i looked over into his warm brown eyes and smiled, "demon slayer!" i glanced around the room, making sure that the adults were gone, "okay, here i'll show you all why."

with that, i unsheathed my sword, grinning as i hadn't used the blade in awhile.

the boys were shocked, eyes wide and jaws open.
"no way, is that real?!??"
"women with swords, women with swords, women with swords."
"an umbrella sword? that's so cool!!!"
"you've been carrying around a sword this whole time?"

the blade weighed nicely in my hand, feeling comfortable and familiar as i swung it lightly. of course, noya, hinata, kageyama, and tanaka were excited to see a real weapon in front of their eyes, all quickly coming over to get a closer look.

everyone else watched with awe, suga and ennoshita with a bit of concern and worry.

"woahhh can you teach us something?" noya and hinata had stars in their eyes, bouncing up and down with energy at the mere notion of it.

i mischievously looked into their eyes, "sure! but can you handle a real sword?" they awkwardly laughed but pretended to have confidence in their abilities. grinning, i giggled a bit, "okay okay! can we use those meter sticks in the storage room? we can practice a small routine with those and then you can try performing it with a sword!"

they all grabbed some meter sticks and came back out to the main gym area. i started showing them some of the basic slices, going over the first few things i had learned.

once they were... okay enough at the basics, i decided to show them the mini routine that i had come up with on the spot. "i'll go over everything slowly, but here's the full thing for now!"

with that, i began.

i took up the starting form, holding the sword between my hands and looking past the blade that was held up between my eyes. i brought the blade back with my right hand, lifting my left arm up for general protection. then, i quickly sliced going diagonally to my right, stepping forward with my left leg at the same time.

after that, i took a step with my right leg and made a swooping motion to jab forward as i stood facing the left. i spun around and sliced the air infront of me again, ending the small routine with a final diagonal slice back from my left shoulder to the bottom right.

turning to the boys, i smiled, "ready to learn?"

"yes ma'am!!!"

time skip brought to you by kiyoko the goddess

a bit of time had passed and we had to leave soon, so i decided to let the boys try out using my sword. of course, tanaka wanted to go first to 'show the first years how its done'.

i handed over my blade, "be careful~ everyone else, back up a bit just in case something goes wrong! tanaka, dont drop it."

he grinned, "i got this!"

before he even started, i had to stop him, "uh tanaka? one thing!" he paused, looking at me cluelessly. i grabbed the blade of the sword and flipped it in his hands, "sharp edge away from you."

"ah! i knew that! of course i did!" the wing spiker continued to go through the routine, dramatically ending and getting applause from the team.

next was kageyama, who was nervous to actually hold the sword. i tried to make him feel more comfortable, "here, put your right hand above your left to have a better center of gravity and have better control."

i positioned his hands properly as i spoke, making sure that his hold was secure. "t-thanks (y/n)..."

smiling, i backed up toward a safe distance with the others, "perfect! show us what you've got kageyama~"

although a bit stiff, he was able to finish the routine easily and received an applause just like tanaka.

following that, hinata took the blade and had stars in his eyes as he wielded it. after helping him get used to it, i reminded him, "be careful! real weapon, so don't drop it or anything."

he nodded in confirmation and started, trying to be careful as he continued.

not careful enough apparently.

at the last slice, he over exaggerated the movement, nicking the floor on accident.

i took the blade from him and inspected the damage, "ah... it's not too bad! uhmmm daichi? can we just not tell coach and sensei?"

daichi scratched the back of his head, "i guess? the floor is already pretty scratched up from practice, so they wouldn't notice."

nodding, i smiled and patted hinata's back, "perfect! don't worry about it hinata! let's see noya go last!"

he nodded, "yeah! sure..."

the energetic libero took the sword and went straight to center stage. "watch and learn, boys!"

noya then went through the routine, adding his own special moves into the actions and very energetically doing so. but,, a bit too energetic.

like hinata, he over exaggerated and sliced the floor, but his was even deeper and more obvious.

i couldn't help but laugh, despite the outbursts of the team and worry.

daichi went full on captain mode, giving off angry vibes as noya began to run away. tanaka laughing and chasing after them.

all in all, a pretty fun day of sword training.

... plus ukai never noticed :)

word count - 1022
a/n - it is no longer v day for me but i got very busy and forgot to post this lmaooo i hope ur doing well!

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