8 - finals

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a/n - i just finished my finals! if y'all had some too, i hope y'all did well 🥰

(y/n)'s pov

"training camp! training camp! training camp!!!" the boys were chanting together after takeda sensei's announcement, excited to see the nekoma boys who they had played before.

sadly, i had to miss their match because of a mission that called me to a much further territory, causing me to miss school for two days. i had heard about the match from the team and was excited to see them play.

the teacher's mood darkened, and a glint on his glasses hid his eyes from us. "next week is the camp, yes. but before that... finals." kageyama, hinata, tanaka, and nishinoya all froze. "that weekend also happens to be the time for supplemental lessons and the test retake. if you fail an exam, you'll be forced to miss some of the camp."

it looked like the boys passed out, suga was shaking the first year setter, hinata was in a pile on the floor, and ennoshita was poking tanaka and noya.

once they regained their senses, they started to form study plans. i ended up chatting with yamaguchi while slightly watching them panic and lose hope.

until an orange haired boy caught our attention, "tsukishima! yamaguchi! (l/n)! will you three tutor us please!!!" he bowed, giving of a desperate aura.

before i could reply, the blond spoke up, "oh? making the shrimp ask for you, king? maybe if you asked us yourself, i might say yes." he smugly crossed his arms, adorning his usual cocky smirk.

stiffly, the blueberry boy bowed his head, "p-please teach us..."

"i'm sorry, i didn't hear you."


i couldn't stop the giggle from escaping my lips, causing the four first years to turn to me. pulling hinata up and lightly lifting the setter's head by his chin. their faces were beet red as i smiled at them, "i don't think tsuki would say no, but even if he does, i can try to teach you two!" dropping my arms, i turned to the tall middle blocker, "although, i think teaching with a partner would be more fun."

he clicked his tongue, and started to walk past us, "fine. tomorrow, at someone's house. not mine."

spinning the umbrella in my hand, i cheerfully called out to the pair, "see you tomorrow yams and tsuki~!"

time skip brought to you by bby rui💘

"you two really are morons, huh? how many times are you going to ignore what i just said?" it was kind of funny to watch the usually calm middle blocker get annoyed. he was waving his pencil and pointing at their notes with a scowl on his face.

we ended up at kageyama's house, and were currently sitting at his living room table with our notes out. i pushed away the blond's pencil, moving to the setter, "you aren't reading the passages carefully enough. the answer is always somewhere in the text. try number three again, but reread the passage slowly."

i watched them go back to answering the problems when a pang struck my heart. they were acting just like my family used to...


without noticing, my grin fell and my hand clenched into a fist around my pencil.

i snapped it.

back in reality, i looked at the two halves of my favorite mechanical pencil. "aw man. not again..."

the four boys sweat dropped, "again???"

"oh! it's fine, i always have extras. i just got too into my thoughts for a moment there." i flashed them a small smile, and managed to ease their minds.

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