Part 14: Egypt

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Riley's POV

We were running behind the robot as he was walking by the planes not caring if he hit them with his body or not.

Simmons: ''The museum is going to be very angry. Very angry.''

Sam: ''We gotta catch that plane.''

Me: ''Bee.''

Bee changed into his car form and drew in front of the robot stopping him. The twins came behind him.

Jetfire: ''Right. I'm on a mission.''

He began to hit the planes that were around him.

Sam: ''Wait, wait, wait, wait.''

Jetfire turned towards us.''

Jetfire: ''What do you want?''

Me: ''We just want to talk.''

Jetfire: ''I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom-bringer. What planet am I on?''

Sam: ''Earth.''

Jetfire: ''Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it ''Dirt.'' Planet Dirt.''

He said as he went down his face was not far away from us.

Jetfire: ''Tell me, is that robot civil war still going on? Who's winning?''

Sam: ''The Decepticons.''

Jetfire groans and spits on the floor not far away from Leo who quickly jumped away.

Jetfire: ''Well, I changed sides to the Autobots.''

Sam: ''What do you mean, changed sides?''

Me: ''It's a choice, Sam.''

Jetfire: ''Yes, it's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?''

Little Decepticon: ''You mean you don't have to work for those miserable, freaking Decepticons?''

Jetfire: ''If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe.''

The little robot went down of four and crawled to Mikaela's legs. He began to kiss her boots.

Little Decepticon: ''I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too warrior goddess. Who's your little Autobot?''

Mikaela: ''You're cute.''

Little Decepticon: ''Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Say my name, say my name.''

He began to hump her leg like a dog.

Sam: ''What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?''

Mikaela: ''At least he's faithful, Sam.''

Sam: ''Yeah, well, he's faithful and he's perverted.''

Wheelie was still humping her leg.

Sam: ''Can you just...Can you just stop?''

Asked Sam and kicked him away from Mikaela's leg making him fell back.

Wheelie: ''Hey, what are you doing?''

Sam: ''It's just something to think about.''

I took a step forward. Big red eyes looked at me.

Me: ''Jetfire we...''

The transformer hit the ground hard with his stick making us fall because the earth shook really hard.

Jetfire: ''Yes my name is Jetfire so stop judging me.''

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