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═══════════════╗CHAPTER 28

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"The class is over and remember to complete your project. I'm letting you choose your partners." Mr Yoon said while picking up his books. "You have one week to complete your project. Late submissions will not be accepted." And he went out. All the students stood up and started to find their partners.

"Eunji, you are going to be my partner," Hyunjin said while turning to me. I could see the side of his lips were slightly upward. He was smirking?

"No, I don't want Eunji to be a boy's part-" Someone cut Jungkook off.

"Oppa," Semi said as she came behind Jungkook and wrapped her arms around his neck as he was still sitting.

"Semi, let go of me," Jungkook warned.

"But I want to be your partner." Semi pouted, I wanted to puke right now. Jungkook also looked like he wanted to jump from the window. But then, I heard a gagging sound. I looked at Hyunjin and saw him fake gagging.

"Oh! Sorry, but it was very disgusting." Hyunjin scrunched his nose.

"Excuse me?" Semi cocked her head. "Please stop lying."

"I'm not lying. Go and check yourself in the mirror and see how fake and disgusting you look." Hyunjin coldly said.


"Can you please shut up your fucking mouth!?" Someone said, we turned our heads and saw a girl making a disgusted face, she was sitting beside Jungkook's bench row. Her eyes were small but sharp, her hair was long and grey. She kinda looked like Hyunjin.

"Shut up, Yeji!" Semi hissed.

"First, you shut up. Your fake ass voice is hurting my ears." Yeji fired back.


"Just get your fake ass from here before something bad happens," Hyunjin said. Semi let go of Jungkook and stormed out. Wow, both of their personalities matched a LOT, even their faces.

"Finally, I can breath." Jungkook sighed.

"And I'll accept your offer." I smiled at Hyunjin.

"No!" Jungkook snapped his head to me.

"Why?" I tilted my head.

"You are not going to be a boy's partner." He said.

"But it's Hyunjin." I frowned.

"What about him?" Jungkook raised a brow.

"I-I..." I also didn't have an answer about that.

"Because I'm her friend," Hyunjin said and both of us looked at Hyunjin.

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