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═══════════════╗CHAPTER 40

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Author's POV

V, Jimin, and Jin stopped when they heard a few screams. "You heard it, right?" V whispered and both of them along with some guards nodded. They were faint, weren't much audible but they could guess it was of a girl's.

"Eunji?" Jimin asked.

"It's her..." V whispered again. He wanted to barge inside the room but waited for his hyung's order.

"RM, quickly come to on second door," Jin said.

"Okay," RM said through the earpiece. They tiptoed to the door and the screams got louder. Hyunjin just hid behind the wall and watch them doing their work, he also heard the screams and had the urge to go with them but stayed there.

"We are here!!" RM said a little loud. while running to them with others behind him.

"Shh!" Jimin put his finger on his lips and all of them instantly stopped.

"Wait, who's screaming?" Jungkook frowned.

"Dumbo, it's Eunji," J-Hope said.

"It is," RM said.

"It's coming from this door." V pointed at the door.

"Try to open it," RM said, Jungkook walked to it and tried to twisted the knob but it was locked. Jungkook shook his head. "V, Jungkook, break it." He commanded, V and Jungkook handed their guns to the guards.

"At 3," V said while rolling his shoulder and Jungkook nodded while stretching his arms. "1..2...3!" Both of them ran to the door and bumped their shoulders hardly on it. The door fell from the frame. Jin patted their backs, who were massaging their shoulders.

"Who's there?!?!" Someone shouted from inside. 

"Stay out, come when we signal you," RM commanded and the guards nodded. "Only 4 will come."

"I ASKED WHO'S THERE?!!?" Again someone yelled, six of them walked in. 

"Who are you, show your faces??" Another deep voice said and they walked forward, revealing their faces. The six of them froze at the sight in front of them. Eunji was sitting on the chair, tied. Kai along with Cignature were surrounding her. 

"Oppa..." Eunji whimpered. Her face was full of bruises and her hair was a mess, her clothes were also torn and dirty. She clearly looked like someone has beaten up very badly.

"O-Oppa,"Chaesol said in wide eyes.

"Cignature??" Jin asked in disbelief.

"What are you doing here??!" Jimin snapped.

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