Sacred Energy Exchange

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As I previously mentioned numerous times, we are all spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Therefore, everyone and everything that exists in this earthly plane are manifestations of energy. There are 4 dimensions of energy in this 3D world, which includes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. We're constantly exchanging energy in our daily interactions with people, other living creatures, environments, and objects. This is our soul's way of forming connections and gaining experiences that help it evolve. We tend to attract more people, situations, and other things that align with our current frequency. However, there are times when we encounter certain energies that negatively affect us. Empaths have the gift of clairsentience. They are highly sensitive people who easily absorb and process information through emotional, physical, and energetic feelings so their reactions to harmful energy are heightened. Their mood and energy levels are heavily impacted. Sometimes they even experience physical symptoms. This is why it is very important for them to learn how to shield their energy and not internalize other people's. Becoming more attentive will help you distinguish between the two better. For example, pay attention to how you feel in certain places or when interacting with someone. Do you suddenly feel energized or drained? Do you suddenly feel relaxed or anxious? Happy or irritated? Do you suddenly get a headache or experience stomach pain and G.I issues? Do you suddenly feel a heaviness in your heart? If so, these are all warning signs that you're absorbing something or someone else's negative low energy. Being around toxic low vibrational people and things for long periods will make you become just like that. You are what you consume. If you surround yourself with miserable people who often project negativity, self-sabotage, gossip, suppress their unpleasant emotions that prevent regulation, listen to low vibrational music, or eat junk food all the time, and indulge in constant drinking, partying, or substance use, you'll eventually become like that. However, if you choose to surround yourself with emotionally intelligent, ambitious, optimistic, sincere, and grounded individuals, you're exchanging energy with them that'll motivate both of you to improve, which raises your vibration. You are who you hang with.

Sex is an energy transference on a much deeper, more vulnerable level. Although many people now partake in the act in such a recreational/casual manner, they fail to realize just how sacred it still is. Your body is your temple so when you allow people into it, you're opening yourself up to receiving different types of energies that can potentially be harmful to your overall well being. You're bonding with them in every way which includes spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. You're creating energetic soul ties with them while exchanging emotions and inner conflicts, such as negative thoughts, trauma, toxic/shadow traits, karmic debt, generational curses, certain health issues, and other types of information like DNA whether you realize it or not. Not only are you absorbing that person's energy, but their past sexual partners' energies as well if they don't regularly spiritually cleanse. I sometimes refer to it as STDs (Spiritually Transmitted Demons). Sex is a very powerful way of connecting, it can be just as healing as it is harmful. The pleasant experience can be used for relief or creation/manifestation. However, there are people with malice intent such as narcissists who know this and actually use sex magic as a way of manipulating, trapping, and/or siphoning an empath's energy. It is a supply for the energy vampire. Have you ever noticed how drained, used, empty, anxious, gloomy, unlucky, or dirty you've felt after being intimate with certain people and then they're the ones who suddenly appear more energized, attractive, prosperous, happy, or calm? It is because you've switched energy with them. They probably absorbed more of your light, whereas you took on more of their darkness. They are glowing and attracting more people or opportunities meanwhile your manifestations begin to slow down. Although that happens, women or people who heavily embody feminine energy still become emotionally attached/codependent and their judgment is then clouded. They may find themselves reacting in irrational ways and even becoming obsessive. The wounded masculine will often use this to their advantage and keep them around mostly for that supply or relief. They'll cheat and/or have many partners at the same time to keep their energy high. Unfortunately, they proceed to bring all of that back to you whenever they need a fix, causing energetic & PH imbalances or even exposing you to STDs. It is common for people who are trauma bonding in that way to both start embodying similar physical features or characteristics. Once you form a soul tie with someone, it is much harder to break away from them. If it is or becomes a toxic relationship you're more likely to stay in it. Even if you guys do separate, they'll be a karmic cycle of breakups and makeups because you guys are still energetically intertwined. You'll start to sense their energy and feelings when you're apart, feeling them so intensely as if they were your own. Your reproductive health and menstrual/moon cycles will also be heavily impacted by the sexual or romantic relationship. If you're not with the right person your body will show you. A person supposed to add to your life, not subtract from it. If you find yourself feeling drained or stressed and experiencing a lack of motivation to work on your creative projects, but all your attention and energy goes to this sexual/romantic partner, that is a clear sign also. There is a reason why many look and feel better after being celibate for some time, which they've used to focus on bettering themselves. As I mentioned earlier, sex is powerful and there is a reason why it sells in the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, lust is one hell of a drug that keeps many people trapped at a lower, animalistic vibration where the root & sacral chakras are located. People, especially men, are easier to control in that state. Make sure to spiritually cleanse regularly to avoid the side effects of harmful energy. Take herbal salt baths (hyssop is great), smudge yourself & home, fast, detox, pray, perform cord cutting rituals to cut all ties karmically & energetically from people who do not support your highest good. Be mindful with who you give your time and energy to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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