Positive Affirmation/Manifestation

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Here are some positive affirmations I love to journal and say aloud in the mirror, during meditation, or prayer regularly. We're always manifesting whether we realize it or not. Be mindful of what you're constantly saying and thinking. Words and thoughts are so powerful that they can literally shape your whole perspective on reality. Use them to your advantage. The placebo effect is a great example of how powerful people's thoughts and beliefs are. Even if you're someone who struggles with skepticism, pessimism, depression, and/or anxiety, I still encourage you to start using positive affirmations so that your brain can be gradually rewired. At first you may not believe what you're saying or writing and that is okay. Just continue to do it. Remember that PERSEVERANCE is key! Eventually, your brain will start to believe what you're speaking and thinking. Your subconscious will then start to manifest that into your physical reality.

Protection Affirmations

I am always being divinely guided and protected. Nothing can harm me.

 I shield my light from evil, darkness, and negativity.

 I shield my light from dark low vibrational spirits, deities, and/or entities. 

 I shield my light from narcissist, psychopaths, and sociopaths.

 I shield my light from energy vampires.

 I am being protected from hexes, curses, bad omens, and evil spells. 

 I shield my light from evil eye and dark monitoring spirits. 

I am being protected from psychic attack and spiritual warfare. 

 I am being protected from any kind of illness. 

 I shield myself from anyone's negative projections and affirmations.

 I shield my light and power from incubus or succubus spirits.

 I am being protected from anyone with malicious intentions towards me.

 I shield my light from toxic low vibrational people, situations, and environments. 

 I shield my light and power from evil wicked witches, wizards, warlocks, voodoo priests, or any other low vibrational spiritual practitioners. 

 I am protecting my energy from any kind of harm.

Releasing Affirmations

I am releasing all people and ties that no longer serve me. 

 I am releasing all things that do not support my highest good. 

 I cut all cords karmically and energetically that are tied to people who wish me ill will. 

I am releasing all harmful energetic cords that are attached to me. 

 I release self-hatred and I am now gaining self-love. 

I release all insecurities and self-doubts. I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. 

 I am conquering and releasing all fears. 

 I am conquering and releasing my fear of abandonment. 

 I am conquering and releasing my fear of betrayal. 

 I am conquering and releasing my fear of judgment or rejection.

 I am releasing negative, low energy and vibrations. 

I am releasing all harmful stored energy from my body, mind, and soul.

 I am healing from all my traumas and releasing them.

 I am breaking and releasing generational curses.

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