Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies

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Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies

Everyone has both feminine and masculine energies within them regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. However, we exist in a toxic patriarchal and capitalist society that triggers energetic imbalances. In modern times, the "Divine Feminine and Masculine" topics are heavily discussed from a superficial perspective in the media. Instead of properly educating people on the different energies that could promote balance, compassion, and a deeper understanding of each other, the public's misconceptions about what it truly means to embody each type has created more division. For example, there are a lot of social media influencers such as podcasters, TikTokers, and Youtubers that consider themselves alpha males or females who spend a lot of time projecting their insecurities and egotistical traits onto others. They usually use their platforms to degrade the opposite gender. Noticeably, there are more men who do this than women. Many of them vibrate at a lower frequency. They're full of greed. They don't actually care about healing and enlightening people, it's all about personal gain to them. They secretly crave a lot of external validation and want to be perceived as superior, powerful, wealthy, and as a know it all. They also crave control and will do almost anything to obtain it even through aggression. They are very reactive/impulsive, competitive, and controlling. They are scatterbrained and arrogant as well. They usually perceive vulnerability as a weakness rather than strength, which causes them to lack emotional intelligence/maturity. Instead of having the courage to face their demons, our society has conditioned them to suppress their traumas and unpleasant feelings or cope in very unhealthy ways. They have very strong avoidant tendencies that cause them to find comfort in constant escapism such as indulging in hypersexuality, alcoholism, drugs, violence, and hustle culture. Clearly, these are signs of a wounded Masculine energy. Two people that come to mind while typing this are Andrew Tate and P Diddy. Being a true divine masculine has absolutely nothing to do with a grandiose facade. When someone has lighter and more balanced masculine energy, they embody positive traits that include being grounded, analytical, focused, protective but not possessive, supportive, logical, confident, assertive but not domineering, and self-disciplined. In general, masculine energy is outward yang energy. Although it is very physical and action oriented, it also rules the mind. Specifically, the left-brain hemisphere. Right-handed people operate more from this side of the brain, which shows that they're more naturally in tune with their masculine energy. You're someone that is more analytical, orderly, and expansive. Masculine energy is fast paced and represents the sun, daytime, hot temperature, ego death, the fire and air elements. Remember that it represents the physical and mental aspects of your life.

Whereas feminine yin energy is slow flowing and inward. As mentioned in the previous chapter, it represents the moon, nighttime, cold, cycle of life & death, the water and earth elements. It rules the heart and brain's right hemisphere, making those who embody it very intuitive, creative, visual, emotional, and receptive. If you are left-handed this means you operate more from this side of the brain and energy. Feminine energy represents the emotional and spiritual aspects of life. Being a divine feminine is not performative but expressive. For example, it's not just appearing feminine or being a stepford wife. You could look anyway on the outside and still heavily radiate feminine energy. When someone's feminine energy is balanced, they radiate healing, nurturing, and wise energy. They are empathetic, compassionate, receptive, and creative. They find comfort in stillness. They have no need for control and instead surrender to life's constant changes. They have a strong discernment and trust their intuition. These individuals are very confident. Their self acceptance and respect helps them set firm boundaries and not tolerate abusive behavior from anyone. They also have the ability to embrace or appreciate the duality of life that consists of both light and dark/shadow aspects. However, when someone has wounded feminine energy, which many do, they are very insecure causing them to be codependent, overreactive, passive aggressive, hypersexual, possessive, envious, anxious, resentful, gossipy, and an attention seeker. They can also be very manipulative and have a victim mentality. Lana Del Rey comes to mind when I think of a dark feminine. (I love her music, but the lyrics to most of her songs are dark.) I also think of the characters Nancy from The Craft and Elaine from The Love Witch as wounded feminines.

Balancing both types of energies are crucial for your overall well-being. We all are interconnected in more ways than one that also includes our divine energies. Clearly, there is a reason why the yin and yang concept exist. The two types of energies work together to maintain a healthy balance within us and the collective. They play a crucial role in manifestation. For example, masculine energy works with feminine energy to bring creative ideas into fruition. Another example is two people partaking in the act of sex, which can create a new life. A soul couldn't be born if it wasn't for the feminine energy that love consist of and the physicality of the act which is an embodiment of masculine energy. Hopefully, that makes sense. Here is an informative yet straightforward list of traits for each divine energy.

Feminine Energy

Right Brain
Cold/Water or Earth
Cycle of Life & Death
Emotionally, Spiritually, & Creatively Expressive
Heart Chakra

Light/Balanced Feminine

Surrender (flow)
Accepting (ease)
Unconditional Self love

Wounded/Dark Feminine

Victim Mentality
Neediness or Aloof
Passive Aggressive & Judgmental
People Pleaser
Anxious and Guarded
Insecure & Critical
Covert Narcissist

Masculine Energy

Left Brain
Hot/Fire or Air
Outward (Actions/Physical) Mind

Light/Balanced Masculine

Assertive/Self Discipline

Wounded/Dark Masculine

Stuck in Mind

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