Ch 3: Rain

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Dabi POV

Not wanting to take care of the base for the third time this week, I told Midoriya to meet me at some random park that I found relaxing. This way I could learn more about him and hopefully get him to tell me why he was crying, not that I cared it was just that I was curious.

I checked the time and hoped I hadn't rushed him too much, but I brushed it aside and went to pick an outfit aside from my villain attire. When I did, I realised how little clothing I had - about five plain shirts, four pairs of ripped jeans, some jackets and a couple of hoodies. I kept my white shirt and black, ripped jeans on, but wore a navy hoodie over them. I also put a mask on to cover my gruesome scars and identity.
"I look like an idiot." I said as I looked myself in the full body mirror Togo would often use.

I left the base and slowly made my way to the park - I noticed that the sky had already darkened. The air was cool and damp, but a chilly breeze was present as well. The rain had seemed to of calmed down, but it still stained my hoodie with small, wet patches.

When I arrived there was no one other than me - so like any good person would - I wiped the water off the seat of the swing and sat down, waiting for him to come whilst scrolling through my phone. The cracked screen got slightly wet, so I wiped the rainwater with the soft polyester of my sleeve. The clouds thickened and the sky became dark, it didn't bother me though.

The bitter breeze rippled through my dark, uncombed hair; it rushed through my loose clothes. The rain wet the inside of my wrinkled hood, but my ears started stinging so I pulled it over my damp hair. Every breath I took under the mask could be seen.

Eventually, I had enough of the frigid weather - I know it was winter but it was way too cold - so I activated my quirk and the dancing blue flames helped warm me up. I was about to doubt that he'd ever come, but - just like the phone call - he ran up to me when all hope was lost. He seemed to be quite good at it and it made me wonder if he'd always do this to me, if I was about to give up on something would he come and change my mind?
"S-sorry I'm late. I h-hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."
There it was, the calm and angelic voice, the deep, emerald hues that seemed to hold more pain than anything else known to man. I smiled under my mask.

Izuku POV

He hung up after that and I sat there for a minute, processing what he had said. He asked me to meet him at a park at 6; the information tumbled down on me like a heap of bricks. My head swung to face the clock - 17:30 - I had half an hour left. I ran to my room and hurriedly picked some clothes out: an oversized, black hoodie and long, coal-colored skinny jeans.

I layed them on the bed gently and peeled off my clothes. I studied the lurid scars and gashes that littered my arms and torso, and something told me that I needed more. It was the same voice that had told me to inflict those wounds many times before, but I somehow managed to get it out of my head. I slid the hoodie on top of my shirt and tackled the jeans on my bony legs. 17:38,
"Gosh, I really need to get a move on," I say to the emptiness in my room.

I look myself in the small mirror, but my gaze drops on the cuts Kacchan had forced. The voice echoed the same repeating words in my ears,
"Come on add another cut. It won't hurt. You know you deserve it." I heard it say.
"I d-d-deserve i-it," I repeated.

I scavenged for my bag and when I found it, I took out a crimson razorblade from my pencil case. It was kept there by me so my mum wouldn't find it, but I knew she would eventually. I had used it earlier at school, so I didn't get the chance to rinse the red liquid, but that didn't bother me.




Rich, copper liquid seeped from each cut. The way it rippled down my arm was so... so satisfying, like small rivers on its way to the vast ocean. I loved the sight of blood, something about it intrigued me. It made my heart flutter and stomach dance. Whenever I saw it, I would lick my lips and smile. I hunted for any old wounds, but when I found them, I reopened each one. I gave them another life.

Finally I snapped back to reality, the voice was gone and so was the amusement. My head shot up to look back at the clock and then to my arm, 17:53. The first aid kit was under my bed - due to how many times I had to deal with my injuries. I got some disinfectant wipes and rubbed the wounds. I didn't bother putting cream on them and instead just unraveled the bandaged and wrapped it tightly around my arm. 17:58.

I pulled some black, converse high tops on and sprinted through the hallway. Just as I reached the door, I took out a sticky note and scribbled down
'I'm meeting a friend today, won't be back till 9'
In my sloppy handwriting. I stuck it on the kitchen door incase my mum woke up and dashed outside.


18:24, my watch read. When I entered the grassland, I saw someone sitting on a swing and tapping their feet in the small puddles of rain; sapphire flames danced in one of their hands, although I had never seen his quirk it had to be Touya. They were about to stand up and leave when I rushed towards them and panted,
"S-sorry I'm late. I h-hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

He looked up at me; jade eyes locking with sparkling, turquoise jemstones. I saw the the corner of his eyes wrinkle, which told me he was smiling under the mask.
"Don't worry it's fine."
His voice was just as addicting as blood. My face softened and I wiped the still rain-water off the swing and sat down besides him. He dropped his phone in his pocket and started staring at the sky, did the same and sighed at the alluring silver dome.

"So why did you call me here?" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
"I thought it would be a nice place to get to know each other better," he responded, his gaze still on the sky above.
"Well what things do you like?" I asked, turning my head to face him and he did the same.

"I really like the night and the smell of firewood. How about you?"
I thought for a moment.
"I like playing on my guitar and I guess I enjoy the night as well."
"It's peaceful right?" He questioned in a melodic tune.
I nodded and started staring at the sky again.

"Hey Touya?"
He turned his elegant head to me and I did the same,
"If you don't mind, can I see you without your mask on?"
He jumped a bit at the question before signalling,
"Promise you won't run away?"
He slowly took his hood off exposing his silky hair to the rain, and then did the same with his mask. The lower part of his face and neck was covered in purple patches that seemed to be lined by surgical staples. I guess I hadn't noticed them in the darkness of the alley but his saddened expression upset me. I smiled at him and hummed,
"You look better without it,"
His eyes widened at this and he stuttered,
I chuckled at his reaction and responded,
He smiled back and we both continued admiring the sky in a somewhat comfortable silence.

"Hey why were you crying earlier...?"

1427 words

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit trash but I'll do better next time. I hope you have a wonderful
day/ afternoon/ night :)

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