Ch 12: Jackson Wonders

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I doubt that you'd know who the characters above are, but that Okie TwT


I heard him giggle at what he said and I just enjoyed the favouring moment. We were both sitting on a bench that so happened to face a beautiful sunset. The sky looked as if it were in flames and the clouds reflected the vibrant colours at the edges.
Many shades of purple and pink painted the upper half of the exquisite canvas, and as I cherished the pleasant minute, a whiff of spiky ash-blonde hair caught my eye behind a tree. And I could recognise that from a hundred miles away.

"Kacchan," I spoke softly, which caught the attention of Touya san immediately.
"What?" He questioned, still recovering from his fit of laughter.
"Kacchan." I repeated once more, with a monotonous expression. And out he came from behind the tree and gradually started walking towards us.


Touya POV

As the figure approached us closer and closer, I started to make out their distinct features. Ash-blonde hair, noted, porcelain skin, acknowledged, and a slender body, I see. They held sort of a smug expression and I could tell just from their posture that they were another one one of those selfish egoistic brats. Was he the so-called Kacchan?

"Heya nerd, who's he?" He questioned with a hint of disgust lingering in his tone of voice, I didn't like him, not at all. And suddenly Izuku was stiff and was miserably trying to grasp the words to form a response for the taller male.
I didn't want him talking to the arrogant blonde so I stood up and started introducing myself.

"Hey, I'm Izuku's friend Touya, and you must be?" I questioned, the boy didn't seem amused but neither was I and that's why I gave him a cold stare to which he gladly returned. He kicked the ground in an effortless manner and sluggishly took a seat next to the greenette.

"Katsuki Bakugou," he replied as his firey-red eyes gave a spine-chilling glare, damn, he's not to be messed with.
"H-hey Kacchan..." Izuku fiddled with his fingers nervously, occasionally putting strands of hair behind his ears, when is he going to have a haircut?

"Tch, what are you two idiots doing here anyway?" He asked, completely ignoring the hello he was so kindly given by the forest-hared angel, he clearly wasn't raised well.
"Oh, Kacchan we were just about to go get some ice cream, wanna come with us?" A radiant beam of warmth was soon piercing the heart of everyone who witnessed the dainty smile, oh how precious it was, wait wha-

Katsuki POV

So the stupid author didn't like the last time I narrated my part of the sh*tty story, so here I go again but with more dEtAiL.

Aya watch your tone Katsuki!

Tch, anyways the absolute disgrace to all who are quirkless gave a stupid nerdy smile. and I swear in the name of All Might that I saw bystanders blushing like the losers they are. What were they blushing at? I don't care.

Pfffft- it's not that you don't care but it's that your just too afraid to say that you didn't know, Ha!


*******Please stand by******


Like I was saying, uhhhh... what was I saying?

Ugh, this is stupid let's move onto the part were we agreed to all get ice cream.

So I had to walk with the two b*stards to a, well I guess an ice cream shop as they talked about random sh*t,
"How can my life possibly get worse?" I questioned myself as we entered the cr*ppy building, it looked, actually it was way too colourful for my liking and so I hated it the second we arrived.

You know what this is just as garbage as Deku, let's just skip to the part were we finished the ice cream and went to the nerd's place.

Hey you can't ju-

*Death glare*

.... You may do as you please..

That's what I thought.

It had been a long time since I had spoken to Auntie as I mentioned last time, at least I think I did. "Ah Izuku dear, your home and- K-Katsuki?!" She ran up to me and pulled me into tight embrace and right after landed a gentle kiss on my cheek.
(ᵖˡˢ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ˢʰⁱᵖ ᵗʰᵉᵐ) It felt strange being treated like that for normally people would only ever come near me for a fist bump or a fight, which I always won in the end, and having such close physical contact was... weird yet...comforting?

"Hey auntie," she was a few inches taller than me, I had just noticed that now. And as she smiled I awed at the resemblance she shared with Quirkless. But something that puzzled me was her youthful looks, she truly was beautiful, I wonder why her husband ever thought of leaving her. Tch, why do I care anyways its not my business so I'll just stay outta it.

Ugh, Damn it, I don't have time for this, let's skip until after dinner and when Auntie left to my house, why? Probably to have tea with the Hag and my Old Man. Oh yeah, edge lord finally decided to take off his mask and cap and now I call him scar face. Tch, suits him *smirks*

Deku wanted to watch a horror movie and me, knowing he'll have nightmeres for weeks, agreed just for him to show up to class with purple bags under his eyes. And don't you dare say that was mean, because I bet on your life that you would of have done the same thing with someone you hated!

Anyways, scar face went to prepare the popcorn and other sh*t while the nerd got some blankets and pillows for all of us. I chose the film, the scariest film there could ever be! I haven't watched it yet but I do know that it had grown men crying in fear after watching the first couple minutes, I guess that's why it's an 18+ but who gives a f*CK?!

It's called, Jackson Wonders. It follows a mass murder in late Britain, as he slaughters many and has his ups and downs with the police. Great movie if you ask me, but I guess we'll have to find out!

1156 Words

Okie, go on attack me on how I haven't uploaded for two weeks, and no I don't have any excuse other than my laziness TwT but yah this is all I could do, so if you vote it would mean the world to me, I'll do better next time, no promises bu-


R-right, sorry Katsuki, I hope you have a good life, big bye my dear Insomniacs ÔvÔ 🌺

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