Ch 15: Where were you

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Cant believe he still remembers that old sh*t, actually can't believe I remember!

"And then I used to chase you because of that, but it was easy because of how slow you were. Still are though," I... smiled. A genuine one. A real one. And as I did I could see how... H...ha...happy he was.

"Hey, I've grown faster since then!" He tried defending himself and his pathetic speed.
"You might of, but it seems you haven't grown taller!" I rest my hand on his head to emphasize how short he was, which wasn't even that much -his height was average but I liked mocking him on it.

"I... Ugh, you got me there. Buuuut, I bet I can still beat you in a race," and just like that he had already won himself a head start, but I wasn't going to let him win the race!

We both kept a tight grip on our umbrellas as our steps went in pace with the pounding rain, there is no way that I was going to lose this one.

Shinsou POV

Yesterday was a dreadful day, but not one I wasn't used to, everyone was, like always, teasing me and my quirk. Many people believe it's one of that of a villain, and although I know I should ignore all the hateful comments, it's just hard not to believe them myself.

Even the universe is against me; it was supposed to be a sunny day where I could go and get some coffee in a new cat cafe that had opened a couple days ago, however when I went there it was closed, and to top it off it started raining. Furthermore, my parents couldn't pick me up because they were supposedly busy, and that's why my best choice was to sit on a damp park bench until the rain stopped. Well hopefully it did.

Izuku POV

*cough* cough* cough*

"I won Kacchan, told you I would," I chirped cheerfully as I saw Kacchan gasping desperately for air; he just brushed it off and headed inside, which of course surprised me because I thought he would've lashed at me  for beating him, guess he's just tired. I managed to exchange a few meaningful words with Auntie Mitsuki, mum was sleeping so I couldn't really tell her anything, but other than that she handed me a bag of sweets and off I went into the hurling storm of dagger like raindrops and raging wind. I managed, sorta. Alright I lied, it was dreadful, the wind was blowing both my hair and umbrella which got in the way of my vision; the rain hit me pretty hard, almost as hard as Kacchan hits me; and the cold was just brutally hideous, I was covered head to toe in goose bumps!

However it died down as I edged closer to a quite rural area, which I later recognised to be a local park many took walks in, but for some strange reason I got drawn to it as if it were some sort of playground. Like a child I walk around and inhaled the sweet fragrance of cut grass and damp leaves, my head bobbed around searching for a suitable place to sit that is until my eyes landed on a bench, which sat right under a tree overflowing with luscious green leaves. Although i saw a hooded figure sat there with headphones in his ears, I still went up to them,
"Umm, excuse me. You don't mind me sitting here?"I questioned tapping his shoulder.

I watched him turn his music off and unplug his ears; slowly he lifted his head and I could see the purple bags from under his drained midnight eyes that so desperately needed rest.
"Sorry didn't hear you, repeat." he croaked, gosh even his vocal cords  were tired. I repeated my question and waited for a response awkwardly, but aren't I always. He looked a bit surprised but nodded and shuffled to the side to make some room for me as I sat. The atmosphere was stiff and silent while we both scrolled through our phones,                                             "So umm... what's your name?" I heard him ask shyly in a soft voice.                                                             "The name's Izuku," I replied with an uneasy tone,                                                                                                 "Izuku as in... Izuku Midoriya, the one who gets called quirkless," My face flushed in embarrassment. How did he know me?
"I... uhh, I know you?" His expression was cool and unbothered.                                                       "Hitoshi Shinsou, I go to your school,"

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