Ch 11: Kacchan...

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Yes that image is of Mineta, and I still can't believe that that's him TwT


I cheered at the sight of fresh, shimmering liquid and wasted no time to jump into the refreshing depths of the sparkling body of water.

"I'll defeat him next time, oh yes I will," I vowed, whilst staring at the starry sky that displayed great beauty just above my heated head. Oh how allurring the stellar night was, but how grisly it was too. The disappointment was also visible to me in the sky itself. What a frightful moment it was when the house I had lived in for so long, erupted into mountains of bellowing flames. But it truly is, and was, something I'd never let slip from memory.

Dabi POV

Fluffy, white clouds roamed the endless fields of fading blue, and as they did, a light breeze tickled the thin strips of green within the dirt. The jolly orb
of flames shone brightly right above the dancing branches of cherry blossom trees, that granted a cool shade for those who passed by. Elegant birds chirped a melodic harmony to make clear that spring was here.

A single petal gracefully landed on the window sill as I admired the elegance from my  seat on Izuku's bed.
"Spring really is pretty," spoke the delicate voice. I hummed in agreement and turned to face the beauty that sat right next to me.

"Wanna head out?" I questioned hopefully. His face was expressionless and solemn, but he quickly covered the lifelessness with a bright and golden smile.
"Mhm!" I beamed at the response I received, and quickly slipped my black platform high tops on. I made sure to put a mask and cap on to hide my unmistakable purple patches of skin. Izuku copied my steps, only his purpose was to not make me feel a bit distanced from the crowd. How sweet!

We merrily skipped our way outside, not before saying goodbye to auntie, and exposed ourselves to the radiant rays of sunlight that struck us from every angle. A strong scent of cut grass and sparkling water lingered in the air, but I guess that's just spring. Squirrles scurried around, nibbling on small berries that fell on the grass, and scampering away when small kids tried to chase them.

"Okay, I'm bored," I facepalmed at this - how can one be so wearied.
"What do ya wanna do then?"
"Let's get some boba!" Izuku chirped and smiled at me expectantly with shimmering, yet pleading, eyes. I sorrowfully chuckled at how convincing he was and helplessly agreed to go with him. I trudged while he ambled, I sulked while he cheerfully greeted everyone we crossed paths with, I sighed while he grabbed my hand and excitedly dragged me into the kawaii themed cafe, "We're here!"

I probably stuck out with all the black I was wearing, but Izuku didn't seem to have that problem because he was wearing an oversized, pastel, yellow hoodie with white, skinny jeans. His mask was of a bold white, and his cap wore the same plain colour but just with a small embroider, yellow star on the front. It was unusually puzzling for me, for all I ever saw him wear was dark clothing.

~~💛🌼le times skip🌼💛~~

Izuku POV

After satisfying our stomaches with delicious, sugary snacks, we finally arrived at our most favourite place. The park. I enjoyed being there because it reminded me of how useless I was; it was the very park I told Kacchan I was quirkless and it held many beautiful memories of him and his lackeys gifting me with hours of dreaded torture.

But in truth, I don't love it, I hate it! I loathe it! I despise the very thought of it! But alas, I must endure the calamitous storm within my head, for I don't want to worry Touya san any further. He's too kind, way too kind for his own good and every time he helps me, I feel... guilty.

Having him carry all my burdens and worries makes me convicted, and I dont want him to have to handle my issues. I have a lot of mixed feelings whenever I'm around him. Half of me wants to embrace him and thank him for all he has sacrificed for me, and the other half wants to avoid him completely and drown myself in solitude.

Oh yeah, the voice is back. After a week of tranquil thoughts and restful nights, I once again had to suffer with the hardships of having a demon trapped in your head. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't sleep till two, listening to all the vulgar comments Crūdēlis, as I now called him, had to offer me. I saw them as a wicked being that made living harder than it already was, and so I got the name Crūdēlis from the Latin word crūdēlis that meant cruel, ruthless, merciless. But I later shortened it to Crūdlis, which shortened to Crūdis, which yet again shortened to Crūdi or Crūdy. Well I couldn't call them 'the voice' forever could I? And yes I only call them by they and them because, no matter who they are, I must respect their identity.

"-uku, -zuku, IZUKU!" I quickly snapped out of my mumbling, gosh how stupid of me.
"aAaAhHH, O-oh so-sorry, " I nervously fiddled with my fingers, waiting empatiantly for a response.
"That's alright, it happens to all of us, right?" My eyes widened as a warm sensation tickled my chest. I heard him giggle at what he said and I just enjoyed the favouring moment. We were both sitting on a bench that so happened to face a beautiful sunset. The sky looked as if it were in flames and the clouds reflected the vibrant colours at the edges.
Many shades of purple and pink painted the upper half of the exquisite canvas, and as I cherished the pleasant minute, a whiff of spiky ash-blonde hair caught my eye behind a tree. And I could recognise that from a hundred miles away.

"Kacchan," I spoke softly, which caught the attention of Touya san immediately.
"What?" He questioned, still recovering from his fit of laughter.
"Kacchan." I repeated once more, with a monotonous expression. And out he came from behind the tree and gradually started walking towards us.

Eat and enjoy OvO
🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮 🌮🌮

1070 words

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