Ch 9: Izuku's friend?

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Heya, I hope you enjoy the wonderful piece of art above just as much as I did 🥺🌺 I get stressed a lot whilst writing so listening to music really eases my soul

"Hey it's almost lunch" I whispered, even though I wanted him to stay.
"What do you mean 'mhm', you should go eat," I playfully punched his shoulder but got no reaction.
"So, you are a Todoroki?" He questioned, trying to change the topic to the best of his ability. I frowned and looked down once again. I honestly would of have been in tears but none ever came.
"Sadly, yeah."
"Sadly?" He questioned. Of course he would, no one but my family knows how brutal that hot-head really is.
"I'll tell you after you get some lunch." This time I genuinely smiled, relieved that I'd finally had someone to talk to about it.
"Alright let's go then." He smiled as he stood up and held out his hand for me to take, and I did just that.
"Let's go,."


Touya POV

His soft touch was the most comfort I had in years, and I kept a tight grip on it as he guided me through the streets and towards his cosy apartment. Every second that passed, seemed slower and slower as my eyes never left our enterlocked hands - the last time I experienced something like this was when Shoto would drag me to have lunch or play with him. I smiled warmly at the distant memories that still held true to my heart.

"Touyasan we're here." A hand waved in front of my face until I was finally snapped out of my trance. We were standing in front of the snow-white door of Izuku's home. I nodded to show that I was listening, but after searching in his pockets he sighed.


He forgot his keys...... again. Something I noticed about the green-haired boy was that he had a certain pattern for knocking, it would never change, never miss a beat and always be playful no matter the situation. It was cute in my opinion because we would always know who it was before even checking.

The door slammed open and a cheery Auntie Inko stepped out to greet us. She had an apron tied around her slim waist and her long hair was tied in a messy bun, flour was smeared across her face and clothes which indicated that she was baking. Izuku gave her a gentle hug, since he still wasn't used to physical contact and I gave her a polite bow to which she returned with a curtsey.

The sweet aroma of strawberry cake meandered it's way into our noses as we stepped through the wooden door ( Auntie always made the best cakes). The sugary scent perfumed the entire house, making it seem as though we were in candy land. The fresh fragrance of lavender mixed beautifully with the strawberry smell that seemed to linger in every corner and grant you an invite to a heavenly world of comfort.

I vividly remember the times my mother would bake cookies for me and my siblings after ' training ' with my cruel father. Oh, how I wish I was in my mother's tight embrace again. And Fuyumi, Shoto, Natsuo, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had to leave you alone with that shitty piece of garbage. Being a villain, is that what I really want? Yes, I do, I don't want to be like that good-for-nothing asshole that hits you everyday. But, sometimes even villans can be scared. I'm scared I'll never see you again, or worse you don't accept me. Pfft, who would accept me other than the league, I bet even the soft-hearted auntie Inko would hate me if she found out who I really was. Of course, I wouldn't mind; I just don't want Izuk-

"Touya, dear, you've been staring at your food for five minutes now. Do you not like it?" A soft and melodic voice helped me out of my mountain of thoughts.
"Sorry, I keep zoning out today. Dunno what's wrong with me." I gave an awkward giggle and rubbed the back of my neck. Izuku eyed me but went back to eating once he realised I was staring at him.

Le time skip, brought to you by me eating an entire box of doughnuts. 😌💅✨

Here child, I will share coz me is kind 😌 do not waste a single sprinkle 👌

Katsuki POV

School was trash, actually it IS trash and you all know it is, so don't try to argue!

Tch, anyways I was in my bedroom relaxing, when the old hag decided to crush my peaceful thoughts.
"SHUT UP, YOU OLD WOMAN I'M COMING !" I yelled as I decended down the creaky stairs. What could she possibly want this time?
"KATsuki, oh, anyways take the trash out!" She lowered her voice when she saw me leaning against the frame of the kitchen door. I rolled my eyes and received a slap to the back of my head for it.

There's a lot that happened that shitty day so let's skip to the important part, because the author is lazy as fu-

Aya, watch your mouth. I have the power to eliminate you from the face of the earth!

*Gulp* Like I was saying, I was staring out the window coz I had nothing better to do than watch old people come back from work. That is untill I saw a whiff of green hair that I recognized all too well, Deku.
"I'm gonna have fun beating his ass today!" I thought, as I excitedly slipped on my shoes and ran out the house only to have a loud yell follow me. I ignored it, like I always did and followed the nerd to some sort of picnic place.

I saw him go up to this tall, shady figure and greet him.
"So the nerd's got friends, eh?" I whispered to myself. After about ten minutes of spying on them, I saw the older man look down, he seemed upset. Was it the nerd? He looked like he was about to cry, but of course the nerd hugged him and he felt better.

I followed them all the way to deku's house and saw Auntie Inko. When was the last time I saw her? Two years ago?
No three. Ugh whatever, it doesn't matter anyways. What does matter is that the stupid Deku got himself a friend, but I bet he's just using him. Pah, who wouldn't? The only person dumb enough to care for the nerd is his mum, but I bet even she will leave Deku once she finds out how useless he is!

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Look I'm sorry for the bad description and rushed writing, Katsuki isn't the type to add details or make the reader visualise. He doesn't have a great imagination, as you can see. That's why I can always count on Izu and Dabs to ensure the reader enjoys what is being told. Please listen to at least five minutes of the music above, I think you'd like it.

Goodbye my beloved Insomniacs, I'll see ya next week 😊




1209 words

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